Menifee Birthday Bash Brings Community Together

Residents of Menifee and surrounding areas gathered Saturday to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the city's incorporation. The Menif...

Residents of Menifee and surrounding areas gathered Saturday to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the city's incorporation. The Menifee Birthday Bash included the Menifee Motor Madness car show, Taste of Menifee event, kids fun zone, live bands and the Gale Webb Extreme Sports Show.

Here's a look at some of the things that took place in the parking lot at Mt. San Jacinto College:


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  1. Dear Menifee 24/7,

    During this campaign season, I have tended to dismiss a perceived bias by your reporting. Generally, your coverage has been equal to all.

    However, this article goes the other way. Out of the hundreds upon hundreds of vendor booths at the Menifee Birthday Bash, you choose to include two pictorials that highlight candidates Kuenzi and Zimmerman.

    Congratulations! With this posting, you have just further solidified the opinions of many people who read your blog newspaper and consider it to be biased.

    You should have left politics out of your coverage.


    Scott Mann
    Candidate for Mayor
    and Birthday Bash Booth Vendor

    1. The old I don't care who gets noticed,as-long as its me?

    2. Mr. Mann do you really believe your peevish posting over such a minor issue will encourage anyone to vote for you? Where was your public outrage over the smear flyer distributed against your opponent?

  2. Doug, Was the pictures of Darcy and Bill paid for? Or are we in to favoritism again?

  3. Lots of sour grapes here.

  4. Mr, Mann,
    I was not sure who I was going to vote for in the Mayor contest. After reading your comments here on this website, you just helped me narrow down my choices and you are not one. If your are bitter over a couple of pictures of Mrs Kuenzi and Mr. Zimmerman, the maybe your not the right person to represent our city as mayor. Mr. have lost my vote today!

    1. He lost my vote when he ran for school board (less that a year ago)and promised he wouldn't run for another office.
      I wonder how much it would cost the Menifee School District to replace his abandoned seat?

    2. If this is what you are using to decide who to vote for, then don't vote. You are obviously not qualified to.

  5. When it comes to free advertisting everyone knows that you MUST include everyone. This was either paid for by the candidates, or the mention of bias is actually true!

  6. Mr. Mann left early to go to a fundraiser for himself, perhaps he was already gone when the pics were taken.

  7. Mr. Mann

    If you are so jaded with Menifee 24/7's supposed political bias, then why are your ads all over their website?

  8. Scott, to be fair, Menife 24/7 is known for this style of "reporting". I guess you should feel lucky they didn't include the 3rd one of this little party, Kristjansson.

    Agreed Scott, Menifee 24/7 will always provide more pictures and print on these 3, Kuenzi, Zimmerman and Kristjansson. Oh wait, I guess we can't forget Denver.

    For those who always agree with Menifee 24/7's political slant, they will never notice the bias.

  9. Dear Editor of 24/7,
    You can make some of the people happy some of the time.... You are the Editor and can make the decision of what to post. I enjoy this publication it is always positive and informative. It's too bad that this wonderful event and its photos are being clouded with petty politics.

  10. Very simple solution. Never include pictures of candidates during an election year unless you have a picture of each and EVERYONE of them in their respective booth's with their names, etc.

  11. 3:07am, exactly! I'm surprised that Doug Spoon is so obvious and blatant about whose pictures he continuously choices to print in here, A good editor would know better especially in an election year, but then again, perhaps that's why he's an editor of Menifee 24/7 and not say.....Press Enterprise!

    1. 11:06AM - Below the belt, typical attack by you "junkyard dogs" of an otherwise decent society.

  12. 2:25p, Oh were never going to vote for Scott Mann!

  13. DL Roth, A good Editor would have know better, especially during election year!

  14. I was there. I watched Scott Mann leave. I saw Doug Spoon arrive and walk all through the event taking pictures of the various booths and the many attendees of this very joyful celebration. Red Sullivan, Greg August and Wallace Edgerton did not have booths. I guess they weren't interested in Menifee's Birthday Bash?

    1. what does having a booth have to do with Menifee's birthday bash?


    2. Gee, I dunno!? What do you think it has to do with Menifee's Birthday? If you're running for office, it would be nice to take an interest in your community....? Kinda says it all about these flakes running for office. Don't ya think?

    3. Why are you answering a question with a question. A party is a party not a political fund raiser.

  15. Back to the article at hand...I went, took my kids. We had an awesome, inexpensive time celebrating Menifee's birthday. Gale Webb's show was awesome, inspiring, the food trucks, a welcome sight. The music was entertaining. It's so wonderful to be apart of this wonderful little city, I call home. I look forward to raising my children here, knowing exactly what its built on.

  16. Mr. Mann, you left early.
    Edgerton never even showed up.

  17. This website has given Scott lots of publicity. They post his banner on the top, and have a large ad on the side.
    Menifee 24/7 has also hosted a Candidate's Forum, and Scott was invited to share his message.
    I'm surprised at his inability to be thankful. Mann and Edgerton get angry too easily. Relax.

    1. Re" Anony @ 3:40PM

      Tis website is not "giving" Scott the banner on the top. That is a paid political ad. Same with the ad on the side for Mann. What Menifee 24/7 is doing is giving free lip service to other candidates in the guise of a non political article.

      If you can't figure that out, then we probably know who your voting for.

  18. I was there all day and never once saw Scott Mann. If you do not agree with the editor stay off the site. Great coverage fun event cant wait till next year. And dont base your voting off a news article comment. We are adults here right?

    1. Was this party that boring? I never saw Scott, or I saw Scott and then he left early. I never saw Wally, I didn't see three running for office have a booth.really...nothing to do at this birthday bash but watch for folks 'running' for office. I thought a birthday party was to go and have fun NOT watch someone coming and going...

  19. I love this website and it should NOT be politically biased, period.

  20. How come Menifee 24/7 is not responding to these allegations? Maybe, they are accurate?

    1. I'm shocked that they are even posting these comments. So many times I've posted things in response that are milder than these and they never post them.

    2. 11:59am its called Freedom of Speech. Just because someone doesn't agree with what your saying does not constitute NOT printing it anywhere. As for 24/7 not responding, you can find it under anonymous....


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