We're Gonna Have A Party!

What we are having is a Tax Day Tea Party, right here in Menifee. For some of us, this is an opportunity to speak our minds, to gather with ...

What we are having is a Tax Day Tea Party, right here in Menifee. For some of us, this is an opportunity to speak our minds, to gather with like-minded people, and to share our frustrations. For others, this is a time to rant and rave, discriminate, and point fingers. It is a time to insult, belittle and betray our fellow man. In many cases, both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of all of this. Don't think that because you are Red or Blue that you are exempt from being hateful, negative, and downright mean.

These are heated times, to be certain. We are all up-in-arms about the governmental changes that are afoot, in all of the goverment we fall under, be that federal, state, county, and city. But if you could only change your view slightly, you could see that these are very exciting times as well! Change is not comfortable; this is certain. But change is good for any entity, occasionally. We are seeing changes in our local government that will produce a better city, hopefully. I am not so naive to think that all change is good. I just know that the only thing that never changes is the fact that change is always on the horizon.

I ask that you refrain from the name calling, the back biting and the personal attacks, and that you try to find something in common with the guy across the aisle.

The beauty of our government is the opportunity to be heard. The Tea Party participants want to speak and be heard. If you don't agree with them, form a group and be heard too!! But, we should all be careful what we are saying, because if we want to be heard, we should make it count!


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  1. "I ask that you refrain from the name calling, the back biting and the personal attacks"

    The Tea Party is not about any of those things. It is about promoting 3 values: Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and the free enterprise system.

    Unfortunately, some people, not a majority and many living in Washington D.C., have decided to throw those values that have served us well for over 200 years under the bus.

  2. "This is an opportunity to speak our minds"

    Well atleast that shouldn't take very long.

  3. Well put Menifee Tina. The values that made this country what it is are CIVIL public discourse and peaceful transfers of power. The American People speak with their votes. It is he who makes the best argument not he who speaks the loudest that we should listen to. Else, we get civil war.

  4. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. I would suggest perhaps some other world views to see what the country is starting to look like.

    From Pravda last May, before the healthcare bill.
    Socialism for the losses and privatizing the profits - a unholy union between wall street and pennsylvania ave. at the expense of Main St and Newport Rd.


    You talk about peaceful transfer of power as if this is about one man or one mantle. The government has too much power and is fueled by your tax dollars to do what ever they want. They can't control themselves. Nothing good can come of that kind of power wielding by any president or congress.

    Maybe our experiment in Liberty is over. Maybe Socialism is what the majority of people want. I just hate to see it be stolen through lack of diligence by good people who are quite possibly being decieved. I ask you just to think of what made America unique in the world.

  5. This is not a time to "discriminate...insult, belittle and betray our fellow man", how can you say that? It is time to call out the people we have voted to represent us, who have chosen not to. Finger pointing, yes, they should be pointed out. This is not about being "mean" but about them doing what is the will of the people, not whatever they want. We will let them know our will.

  6. Well written Menifee Tina! Yet the negative comments from the anonymous continue to be written. I just don't get it. Everyone has the right to be heard, but if you post something for all to read, at least make it somewhat intelligent.

  7. Because one does not agree, they are negative and unintelligent? Hmmm...

  8. Hmmmm....you just made my point. Thanks Anonymous!

  9. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy
    out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

  10. If my neighbor's home were burning, and only I could save him, or her, I would. Regardless of their political party, race, age, educational level and past...

    I still beleive that the vast majority of us would do the same.

  11. 'Hateful?....Mean????....Rant????....Rave????? 'of Like Minded People?' I would never participate in a forum like this. Too much negative energy.

  12. They are unitelligent becuase there is no backing to your fox news comments, you put fear in words then you can make people listen. Once you have feared the peps you can then easily control people. Just curious were was the tea party 10 years ago or even 3 years ago.....

  13. A note to wish the best to the Tea Party. Civility can exist when the party in power does not do all in its power to shut down decent and completely ignore the concerns of a majority. Our constitution was designed to protect us from governments like we have in Sacramento and DC. The more "reasonable" people try to brush off these tyrants as just the other side of an argument the worse will be the result, both in the loss of freedom and the resulting reaction to it. In these times a "reasonable" person should be dumping tea into Boston Harbor.
    Rich Gardner

  14. Civility can exist when the party in power does not do all in its power to shut down decent and completely ignore the concerns of a majority. AGREED!

    How is it not one republican agrees that health care reform is needed?

  15. I think health care reform was needed, but that isn't what we got. We got a health care TAKE OVER.

  16. This Republican agrees that health care reform is needed... most Tea Party people are not against health care reform...like tort reform and opening up interstate insurance...but object to take overs of 1/6th of the economy, and hide a education bill (taking over all student loans) in the health care bill...doing it all behind closed doors and having the Speaker say, just sign it, you don't need to read it...?

  17. The Menifee tea party got lots of news coverage prior to tax day, but I haven’t seen any description of the actual event. How many people participated and what links are available for more information?

  18. There was a good turnout, probably over 250 at each event in menifee. Group passed out over 100 pocket constitutions to guests...it's all good and important.


  19. For more information you can go to http://www.meetup.com/Patriots-of-Hemet-Menifee-and-Sun-City or check meetup for other like minded groups in your area.

  20. 250 combined at both events. And do you think any of the attendees will read the Constitution, because the knowledge of many of the teabaggers on issues of importance are horribly skewed and lacking in fact.

  21. We counted 150 at the morning rally.

    We estimated 300 at the evening rally.

    And 2 skydivers!


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