Menifee Democratic Club Announces Formation

There's a group in Menifee forming a new Democratic Club to represent like-minded voters in the City of Menifee. They are calling on Dem...

There's a group in Menifee forming a new Democratic Club to represent like-minded voters in the City of Menifee.

They are calling on Democrats throughout town to assemble and help the club get going.

A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 2, 2009 from 6:00 to 9:00pm in the Provident Bank's Community Room located at 27010 Sun City Blvd.

Leaders of other Democratic Clubs throughout the area will be in attendance, along with Brady McCarron, candidate for the Perris Union High School District.

Contact Chuck Reutter (951) 679-3752 for details.


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  1. Lame...Sure this is not another Pica-group?

  2. Yet another group that will end up feeling sorry for some group of people and give even more of our tax money away to lazy, unmotivated, lawbreakers.

    Hey democrats, your big government theory is working wonderfully lets make it bigger.


  3. Finally a group in SW Riverside that is not made up of Bible Thumpers and Bigots following Mulla Rush's teachings!

  4. to above....for real???

  5. I am a repulicrat, can we have a meeting?

  6. Orna-Mental Catfish Cloth says: "the one who is not is the one who wishes he was and vice versa. time is an adjunct misjudgment of sunlight, distracting us from the truth that is ann pica. Fulcrum to the Zenith power!!! Squirrels Unite!!"

  7. "Yet another group that will end up feeling sorry for some group of people and give even more of our tax money away to lazy, unmotivated, lawbreakers."

    Crazy person!!!! That's why our party is in such trouble. To say that Democrats are lawbreakers and lazy is so ignorant. Keep your mouth shut!

  8. To all of the above: Wow...

  9. to anonymous orna-mental catfish you need to see a doctor real quick. If your not interested or not educated enough to get involved in any political group then keep your mouth shut and let the people who are interested and are concerned with what is happening in our country setup and discuss what they can do to change things. What a bunch of lame uneducated people. Boy this Ann Pica must have a lot of power over you guys to be so afraid of any new group coming into Menifee.

  10. Stop feeding the trolls

  11. orna-mental catfish? I don't get it?

  12. Well, good luck to the 3 of you! Happy yacking!

  13. From some of the poster, they seem to indicate that the Republicans can meet but the Democrats can not. I have lived in the Menifee area for twenty years and this is the first time that I have learned of a Democrats meeting.

    Maybe now, the democratic view point and support can be created to provide a viable candidate to run against Issa and place candidates to run viable races for state senate and assembly.

    Good luck to those that organize the Democrat meeting.

  14. I'm proud to be an American, and one that served our country. I'll see you at the meeting, and I thank you and the surrounding cities for your support during my State Senate Campaign in 2008.

  15. I hope that Democrats in the area won't be intimidated by the negative comments. After all, this is still the USA and I thought we had a right to free speech and ideas. Is it really necessary to control others by smear and fear? I think that the negative comments on this page are evidence of why we desperately need this new club and newer attitudes towards each other.


  16. I will be there and glad to be a part of something that means change and not separatism. The above comments are descendents of Klan and they will never change. I am very conservative but I do not use women or minority groups to exploit my ideals and never turn around to help those whom I pandered their votes.

  17. allthatmattersJuly 03, 2009 1:07 AM

    This is what Republicans want you to do..but I say this to them; see attached:

  18. I have no problem with democrats wanting to get together and discuss things. I do have a problem with some of the comments here.

    C'mon, guys.

    Can't we remember that we're all Americans and forget the party thing for now? We're in a world of hurt, all of us, and it's not because of either party, it's OUR OWN FAULT, for not holding our government accountable to the Constitution. BOTH Party are full of hypocrites who are only trying to enrich themselves. There are some good guys and some bad guys on BOTH sides. They are INDIVIDUALS who need to be treated as such, not lumped into parties.

    Throw out the BAD ones who are wasting OUR money, OUR resources and destroying our economy and saddling our children with generational debt...

    I remember when were were all just Americans: 09/12/2001 Happy Independence Day, my fellow Americans!

    Try this:

  19. To Anonymous at July 01, 2009 12:10
    You need to get your facts straight. The Klan resisted Reconstruction by assaulting, murdering and intimidating freedmen and white Republicans.
    I'm not a partisan type, but it irks me to death when you spout off UNTRUTHS. It was the Grand OLD democrats who fought against reconstruction. Republicans have a rich history of support for the downtrodden, starting with reconstruction.
    Get your facts straight.


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