City Council Meeting- April 7, 2009

April 7, 2009. This was the first meeting at the new city hall. Facility tours were offered to those who were interested. The f...

April 7, 2009. This was the first meeting at the new city hall. Facility tours were offered to those who were interested. The facilities are very nice and were conservatively done.

Meeting Called To Order at 7:02- Mayor Edgerton welcomed everyone to the new city hall and thanked MSJC for allowing them to use their facility for prior meetings, at no cost.

Words of Inspiration- by Pastor Tony Truax, Revival Christian Fellowship.

Flag Salute by Officer McElvain

Roll Call- Wallace Edgerton (Mayor), John Denver (Council Member), Darcy Kuenzi (Mayor Pro Tem) , Fred Twyman (Council Member), Gary Thompson (Treasurer), George Wentz (City Manager), Elizabeth Martyn (City Attorney), Carmen Cave (City Planner) and Kathy Bennett (City Clerk)

Presentations and Certificates of Recognition

Proclamation made naming April as Autism Awareness Month in the City of Menifee. Mary Mollway of New Vision Children’s Services (, accepted the proclamation given by Mayor Edgerton. She commented that In the USA, autism affects 1 in 75 per and up to 1 in 150 kids according to the CDC. The mayor also encouraged accurate diagnosis and treatment of this neurologic disorder. A resource center for children with autism is being built in Temecula. The services are available for Menifee families who have children with autism.

Schedule of Future Events

-Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 11th, 2009 at La Ladera Park.

Public Comments-

-James Zepka- Asked that council members be aware of traffic issues and future problems that may be faced with our rapid growth.

-Bob (last name unknown)- Mentioned a problem on Scott Road, where a stop sign is asked for, to help those who live on the southside of the road.

Trevor Sedwicks- Builder of new medical center on Newport Road, north of Bradley. He showed photos of the project. He asked that the commercial street banners which are against code, be allowed to be put back up. City Manager Wentz stated that the city is working with the property owner to resolve the concerns.

Bill Zeidlick- Recommended citizens view the city website and it’s documents. ( He reviewed a 300 page document about future projects. He objected to the current RCIP.

Beth Green- Speaking about the decorum policy discouraging spontaneous applause to speaker comments at meetings. She called that policy “anal retentive”. The audience laugh at her humor as she walked away from the podium.

Approval of Minutes from prior meetings of 3/17 and 3/31- Motions approved and seconded.

Consent Calendar-

10.2 –Warrant (check) Register- Mayor asked that the information be clear as to who and what the payments being made by the city are for. The Mayor also asked that money due to Riverside county and others be clear in the future for both council members and the public to know. A quarterly report may be available next meeting.

11.1- Public Hearing on EIR, Change of Zone and Plot Plan 21452 and Plot Plan 22280 Commerce Pointe I and II. Discussed Project between Zeiders Road and 215 FWY., between Scott Road and Keller Road. Advocates sought change in zoning for this project to move forward. The site is 35 acres. Total building size will be about 209,858 square feet. 5 of 14 oak trees on site will be preserved. In place, 70 coast live oak trees will be planted, among others. The builder will build “Green”. No CFCs and will be LEED certified (First LEED certified project in Menifee, 7th in Riverside county). The facility will also have bike racks for local employees who want to bike to work. The applicant ?Casten Klein? Consulting of Murrieta asked for approval.

Comments In favor- Shawn Harrison (Southwest Land Consultants) represents nearby properties and is in favor of the project. Barbara Spencer appreciated the consultants and stated “they are great”. Darcy Kuenzi also gave word of support. The council approved the project without objection.

11.2- Public Hearing on Addendum to EIR 327… and Variance No. 1847

Lisa Sheldon spoke about a project on the SW corner of Menifee and Newport Road, near Centex at the Lakes. They are asking that the 14 acres (between Rockport and Newport) be developed for a 129,132 sq. ft total project. It will include a childcare center, fast food and a “sit down restaurant”. A drugstore, grocery market and retail shops will also be present. Two 3 story office buildings are also planned. Paul Lubay (Regency Centers) represented the owners and stated that this project will also be LEED certified.

Comments In favor: Bill Gould, a local resident, spoke in favor of the project. He lives 1 mile to the north at Heritage Lakes. He stated that the project will have a Fresh & Easy market.

According to the Fresh & Easy Website, there is a store coming soon to Menifee

Jeff Leatherman of Valley Wide Recreation and Park District spoke words of encouragement.

In Opposition: Barbara Spencer states it’s a good project but was concerned about 4 signs instead of 2 being displayed. Also, she was concerned about liquor sales being permitted with a childcare facility on site and elementary school (Callie Kirkpatrick) nearby . Council member Mann was also concerned about the alcohol sales near the school and daycare center, as was Council member Kuezni.

Rebuttal- applicants stated that alcohol sales are more than the 1,000 feet safe school zone permits and that the market and drugstore will sell other things, in addition to alcohol (Beer and Wine only).

Darcy Kuenzi asked for a continuance before approval is given. John Denver asked if this would be a hardship for the builder. The builder was ok with a 2 week wait time. The council agreed to a 2 week continuance. Council members Mann and Kuenzi were concerned about alcohol sales close to the school and daycare.


12.1- Menifee Development Stimulus Plan

Presented by George Wentz (City Manager) spoke about business growth in Menifee. The city will try to optimize turnaround times on project submittals and will establish a “pre application” process. The city will also review deposit requirements. The city will try to assure proper security of land with bonds. Also, the city will consider local fees and may reduce billed hourly rates by 20% to encourage new development. Developer Impact Fees (DIF) may also be reduced. Other initiatives discussed include a property tax rebate and a cash card for purchases made in the City of Menifee. Also, to goal is to get the word out as to why Menifee FIRST (for business development).

Scott Mann presented a Menifee Builder/Buyer Incentive which would lower DIF fees for developers who would then payback the new home buyer (owner occupied) a type of “Menifee Bucks” cash card, of sorts. He also recommended a property tax rebate up to 50% for year 1 and less during year 2, for new homeowners. The “Menifee Bucks” card can only be spent at participating Menifee businesses. John Denver retorted that some of this money should be allowed for use as a down payment since down payments can impede many new buyers.

Speaker Bill Zeidlick commented on the prior project (EIR 327) regarding the DIF fees. He also was concerned about where all the DIF fees for prior projects have gone.

Mayor ProTem Mayor Kuenzi commented about our overall state of US economy. She stated that Menifee is in a unique position to help make Menifee a better city while attracting new development, both home and commercial. Councilmember Twyman stated we need to make sure current residents are not negatively affected.

12.2- Report on Contract Services for Districting-

George Wentz spoke about the possible special election about re-districting, which would cost taxpayers about $35,000 to $50,000. He stated that plans to get it underway need to be initiated soon. Mayor Edgerton and John Denver are in favor of beginning the process.

Bill Zeidlik commented that a vote cannot occur regarding a special election today since it is not supposed to occur until April 21 (as stated on the agenda). Bill stated there is a cheaper, more common sense approach. Bill stated that districting should not occur until 2011 until after the US census. Bill also stated he plans to vote against John Denver and Scott Mann in the next election.

Mayor Edgerton asked City Attorney Martyn “that since districts won, are we not mandated to follow this?” City Attorney stated that George Wentz’ date of April 21, as listed, was an error and should read April 7. Fred Twyman asked that the cost be put to bid. City attorney stated that district voting must occur at the latest, by November 2010. It can occur sooner though. Census data from 2010 will be available 2012, at which point, the issue may be brought up again.

12.4- Media Relations Policy

Mayor Edgerton stated that public comments made to media by council members should be done, on behalf of the person them self, and not on behalf of the city, unless stated otherwise. The policy will be updated in the city handbook and discussed at next meeting. Twyman was concerned that the Menifee Post article entitled “A Message From the Mayor” may be construed as an official statement as opposed to an individual statement. Fred Twyman then jokingly commented that he should ask the paper’s editor for “equal time” in the paper. Some council members appeared to be concerned that future campaigns for political office may be compromised since they are not give equal time in the local paper.


13.2- Ordinance 2009-28U- Rescinding the General Planning Implementation

Council member Mann stated that this is crucial to stimulate our local economy. Darcy Kuezni agreed, as did all other council members.

Public Comments- Bill Zeidlik stated that a planning commission is needed ASAP to oversee development.

14.2- Senate Bill 214- regarding Sober Living Homes in Menifee (i.e. Drug Rehab homes, which may include parolees). It is recommended by all council members that community residents be informed of such homes, if they were to be present.


Open house signs are not removed by city officials and that there appears to be a “phantom serial sign stealer” per City Planner, Carmen Cave.

The council then went into a closed session.

The next meeting is Tuesday, April 21.


City-Hall 5723780742776736894

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  1. According to the blog - Bill Zeidlick- Recommended citizens view the city website and it’s documents. ( He reviewed a 300 page document about future projects. He objected to the current RCIP.
    I would love to see what the future projects are for our city. However, I reviewed every link and sub-link on the city website and I am unable to find anything regarding this.

  2. Just a couple comments about the facility:

    In general I like the room where the council meets. The sound system was very good and allowed everyone to hear what was happening. Some outdoor conversation noise intruded through the door at the right rear of the room where I was seated. People congregated outside and likely had no reason to think their conversation would be heard in the room.

    The video monitors aren’t large enough considering their distance from the audience. People get a general idea of what is on the screen, but details are lost. A monitor large enough to be useable would be prohibitively expensive, of course. A projection system that would provide a much larger image on the center of the wall behind the council and/or on the side walls might be a better option.

    The council desks and chairs are at the same level as the audience floor. As a result, only the first couple rows of audience get a good view of the council members and staff. I’d like to see the “stage” raised a couple feet to make the people more visible.

    Not nitpicking, just observations…

  3. We need to consider the rual aspect of our community before we schedule all this development. I like the idea of a town center (the marketplace) instead of all these spread out satellite markets that really just in years turn into run down areas. For example look at Hemet or Perris.

  4. I am worried about all of these "future projects". All of this constant building going on and we still have the same old Newport Road to get around in Menifee. I say NO more building anything until we get some new roads and relief from our traffic jams and problems. People, let's get the word out to our city leaders now! More and improved roads!!!

  5. Thanks Eric for posting this! The new city hall looks beautiful!

  6. The city hall is great however, they need to find a way to make leaving easier. The room was packed and people had to move, crawl over chairs, people or slide by a guy in a wheelchair.

    I think it is inconvenient for people and I felt bad for the guy in the wheelchair. They city hall should have handicapped seating somewhere convenient so people are not tripping over them. I believe the side door on the left is a good exit for people sitting on that side.

    As well, it is hard seeing some of the city council members because there sitting is too low.

    Other than those few flaws it looks great!

  7. I've only been to a few council meetings but I've noticed a certain council member who seems to behave so immature. Fred Tyman is always rolling his eyes and making expressions when he dislikes something a resident is saying.

    I think this is unprofessional. If you do not like it fine but remember body language is 99% of non-verbal communication. We the people see this and the city council needs to address this.

  8. On the issue of the Menifee post and the Mayors Message I think that it should be withdrawn for the newspaper. I believe all city council members should have a equal opportunity to be in the newspaper.

  9. I'm excited to see that Menifee is bringing in new community development. We need more business and less homes building. However, I do not feel we need another drug store or grocery store on every corner.

    Lets bring different shopping centers here. I'm against stores selling alcohol across the street from Callie Kirkpatrick and the school district. As well, it would be a few miles from Freedcrest and across from the new Centex home development. If we need a grocery store just put it in where the old Target was.

  10. Regarding future development. We need it for the taxes it will bring our city not to mention the convenience for our community. Don't look to Hemet and Perris. Both Temecula and Murrieta have rural aspects to them and they are great and clean communities. This is a critical time for Menifee. Let's be aligned with Temecula/Murrieta rather than Hemet/Perris. The Countryside Marketplace is top notch shopping district. I hope the city council will make sure future retail is of the same caliber.

  11. I think having a drug store and grocery store on the corner of Menifee and Newport is a brilliant idea. There is not a convenient grocery store on that end of town. Ralphs is great but pricey and getting in and out of there is a nightmare. I bet that with all the people commuting to and from Menifee via Domenigoni it would be a booming business.
    I get the worry about alcohol being sold near a school but it is not a liquor store and it is not near a high school where the kids are likely trying to buy it. We need to have more faith in the sheriffs and believe that if a problem arises they will work diligently to stop it. We can't neglect developing this area because of fear.


  12. everyone is worried about the liquor store, supermarkets sell liruor also....Put the new center across the street next to the firestation to get it further from the school.

    to poster above: What is the other 1%?\

    I think this is unprofessional. If you do not like it fine but remember body language is 99% of non-verbal communication. We the people see this and the city council needs to address this.

  13. it is a grocery store that will only sell beer and wine, big deal. hurry up and build it already. in a city of 60,000 people we only have 6 grocery stores. no wonder it takes forever to check out of ralphs on newport, never mind the traffic at that corner. temecula has 100,000 people with 11 grocery stores, a costco and like at least 5 smaller specialty markets. its not like there building a strip club with a liquor store next to it, its a gosh darn fresh & easy from what i hear. i agree, menifee needs to look to temecula about how to build a nice city and avoid the hemet model at all costs.

  14. If 99% is nonverbal then I'm sure you guess what the 1% is...duh!

  15. I believe their is supposed to be a Stater Bros going in across from the school, a Rite Aid, Day Care Center, Medical offices, Fresh n' Easy and other shops.

    It would be nice to have something close instead of going up Newport where all the traffic is.

  16. To the poster*** April 08, 2009 5:19 PM

    When your referring to a post it would be nice if you included the time of the post so everyone would know what the heck your talking about without having to read every previous comment.
    Further more your sentence structure is that of a 3rd grader and your spelling isn't much better. DUH right back at ya!

  17. I don’t understand the opposition to selling bottled alcohol that won’t be consumed on premises based on its proximity to the school.

    If a potential risk existed, I’d agree that the sales should not be allowed. In this case, I don’t perceive a risk. Does someone believe that the tykes will be stopping by the store on the way to or from school to buy a bottle? On site consumption won’t be permitted, so they are no more likely to encounter drunks in the area than anywhere else.

    Do the kids accompany their parents to a typical food store or pharmacy? If so, they’re already exposed to alcohol on shelves. Should kids be prohibited from entering all stores that sell alcohol? Should we also require that parents of young children not be able to live within a certain distance of food stores or pharmacies that sell it?

    It seems to me that this issue is an example of political correctness run amok.

  18. To Poster April 08, 2009 6:54 PM
    DUH right back at ya!

    I believer you were referring to poster April 08, 2009 2:53 PM.

  19. to poster April 08, 2009 7:38 PM

    Nope it is you DUH

  20. By Anonymous, at April 08, 2009 6:54 PM

    Who's in the third grade? Say hello to Mrs. Tumbleweed for me. I sure miss the third grade.

  21. Can we get back on point with the issue of Menifee and development?

    This is ridiculous going back in forth on nothing. Come on! You are all acting like your in 3rd grade.

    I think the poster has a good point. If someone is speaking about an issue council members should not act inappropriate by rolling their eyes.

  22. I do not see any misspellings in this statement that this poster is referring too: "If 99% is nonverbal then I'm sure you guess what the 1% is...duh!"

  23. I'm looking forward to the new development. If they have a store on the corner of Newport and Menifee that would be a 5 minute drive from my house. Yay!!

    More jobs for Menifee residents which is a plus!

  24. Drove by the city hall yesterday and it looks great!

  25. Bill Zeidlick stated "he plans to vote against John Denver and Scott Mann in the next election."

    I bet they were trembling when this guy said that! Nobody pays attention to Bill anyways.

  26. I look Menifee 24/7 for the most current info on Menifee happenings. Sharing opinions however diverse is great. But really, this bickering back and forth over nothing is ridiculous and embarrasing. It only takes a few ignorant people to make Menifee look like a hick town.

  27. I am relieved to know that I am not the only person who thought the idea of a drug store, i.e. Rite Aid or Walgreens that sells beer and wine was not a big deal near a school.

  28. Does anyone know if any retail is scheduled to break ground in Menifee this year?

  29. Great coverage from the editor for this article! thank you!

  30. Is there any way Menifee could not have a Fresh N Sleasy..... Has anyone read about thier fines in the UK.... This is not a store i would feel safe shopping at. I highly suggest everyone do a little research about this chains reputation. They dont think rules and regulations apply to them... I would love a new Albertsons there ... Just saying.

  31. To the last post:
    You couldn't be more correct! Fine build a store there, BUT Not a FRESH & SLEAZY( They go by another name, but it isn't acceptable to write) I worked there and it is the most miserable Natzi like company to work for. They are a bunch of LIARS. British that think they are superior to you & me. They make up their own labor laws, don't follow state & Federal guidelines and I know I am reporting them to OSHA for unsafe workplace which my supervisor did nothing about. Forget about all their "green" BS too. Menifee would be better off going to Trader Joe and kissing his butt to come in to the spot where Sleazy would be going into. Of course all this goes without saying I hope they study the inpact that there is going to be on the traffic aspect, god knows we don't need another Menifee Marketplace to try and drive around!

  32. Why do I sense that the comments about Fresh & Easy are coming from people who have a vested interest in its demise?

    I’ve been to F&E stores and didn’t come away with the negative impressions that were given here. If the stores can’t compete, so be it, but they should at least be given a fair chance. Negative comments like those above should be seen for what they are - attempts to poison the water.

  33. I frequent Fresh and Easy. Convenient and reasonable prices. Seems to me that the best workers in Hemet have stayed with the store. Sorry whenever anyone hates their job, especially when jobs are scarce.

    A Trader Joes would be heaven. An independent pharmacy would be nice but we wil probably get a greedy chain

    Is there a date when the stores are to be built?

  34. Yes I pray for the demise of F&E, simply because they are NOT what they promise to be, inside their only goal here is to put Walmart and Target out of business, AND that came right out of the CEO's mouth. Why should we spend our hard earned money in a forgein store hell bent on destroying American stores who employ americans, I mean Walmart has it's faults, but it is an american entity, whereas F&E is british owned and doesn't really care about this country. Look what they do in England and Asia and eastern Europe, and go look up Tesco's committment to not give a crap about food safety. I have relatives in England and Tecso is not well loved there either. Their food isn't that much cheaper, and it is not "organic" it's the same stuff you can get anywhere else... Shop AMERICAN!!!!

  35. I'm all for Shop American, Shop Menifee. But really, put Target and Walmart out of business. Their model is the small corner store where you can pick up pre-made food for the tonight dinner. In other words, Fresh & Easy. I've only been to the store once and wasn't too impressed. But they are not trying to put anyone out of business. Clearly you are a fire-starter.

  36. Yeah, That's what you think! The F&E stores are a small scale model of what will work here and then they plan to go larger, like the walmart & targets. I am telling you, they have a backhanded motive for EVERYTHING Tesco does. Why do you think they are not overhere operating as "Tesco" because it has such a bad wrap in other parts of the world, there is no fresh& easy's in britain or eastern europe or asia, go look up tesco and see all the reports the bbc has done on them for violations in food safety ect...I am not a fire starter, I DON"T LIKE TO BE LIED TO. The very basis of the structre of F&E is bulls**T, I know because I sat there and listened to the CEO and management spew the crap out of their mouths and then turn right around and do the exact opposite.
    As for the happy employees in Hemet, Do you know they get $10 an hour, proboly never get full time work and their"health benefits take up most of their pay, so it is the equivilent of working for about $6.50 an hour, so how happy are they really?

  37. I would love to see a Henerys. Anyone else??? My concerns with Fresh & Easy is food saftey. In the UK they were repeatedly fined for extending food expiration dates far beyond what is safe. They were fined for saying food was organic when it was not. I will not risk my family getting sick over spoiled food so i will not be shopping there. I hope everyone does a little research into Fresh & Easy before they shop there.

  38. Sorry bout that. I did some research and you are right. So often on this blog people like to stir the pot. Looking back, I guess I was doing just that. So, I've put myself it check.

  39. Contact the city hall and let them know you do not want a Fresh and Easy here. If not then we will get one. We have the power to decide what comes to Menifee.

    I've never heard of Fresh and Easy but I did a little research and they have a lot of negative reports about their food and business handling. I don't think that would be an asset for Menifee.

  40. This is a website I found:

  41. "Contact the city hall and let them know you do not want a Fresh and Easy here. If not then we will get one. We have the power to decide what comes to Menifee."

    Unless Fresh and Easy contributes to the Council Members funds, then we don't have a say. You almost made it sound like the City Council actually cares about the Community.

  42. I'm all for Henerys or Whole Foods

  43. Henry's, whole foods, anything but F&E, F&E's exec took credit for the whole Von's home shopping project too, because they(TESCO) was slightly invovled. What I came out OF that meeting was that us Americans were too stupid to think up that concept on our own(Like we haven't been doing it with pizzas for years)Tesco started the F&S stores as a base to expand to bigger (Walmart type) stores, I think because they got wind that Walmart was trying to start a concept store similar to F&S. They seem hell bent on taking Walmart down, for some reason. And I know Walmart sucks sometimes, but at least it's an american company, so some fat British pig isn't getting rich from overcharging us and exploiting workers, we can do that to orselves just fine.

  44. I'm for Trader Joe's at Newport and Menifee. I wouldn't want an all out Liquor store but otherwise, fine. I'm not sure actually that I like the idea of huge 3 story medical bldgs. It looks ok there by the freeway but why by the Golf Course, schools and homes do we need 3 story monster offices? 2 story would look ok. The land is even raised higher there- I don't see anyone commenting on that aspect. I also hope they keep the nice, planted and trellised look I've seen for their outdoor areas and parking-


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