Jerry Bowman, MUSD Candidate Statement

The following is a statement from Jerry Bowman, candidate for Menifee School Board... I would like to formally use this statement to announc...

The following is a statement from Jerry Bowman, candidate for Menifee School Board...

I would like to formally use this statement to announce my candidacy for the Menifee Union School Board.

I am proud to say that I have been recently appointed as a Trustee, to fill Mr. Fred Twyman’s remaining term on the Board, necessitated by his resignation. I am currently meeting with the District leadership and visiting all of our outstanding schools in order to quickly get up to speed.

As a parent, a retired educator, and currently an Educational Consultant, I bring over 30 years of experience, along with the understanding and commitment necessary to be a valuable member of the Menifee Union School Board.

I have a Master of Arts in Education and hold a California Standard Life Teaching Credential with specialization in Secondary Education. (Psychology, Sociology, and Mathematics) I also work, as a consultant, with other school districts and schools (Both Elementary and Secondary) to help implement Professional Learning Communities, Improve Student Achievement, address AYP and API concerns, and provide teacher training.

I am a proud resident of the new City of Menifee, a proud U.S. Army Veteran (82nd Airborne Division), and a proud father of three daughters and one granddaughter. I have one daughter (Taylor) who is in middle school, one daughter (Alyssa) who is in high school, and one daughter (Jenna) who is a high school teacher/leader.

My experience has taught me that all decisions made in education must address the "Whole Student" and be based on improving the student's achievement, experiences, and future. If we do not "Put Students First", then we will have missed the mark.

In Menifee we have several issues that need to be addressed:

  1. Future expansion, financial well being, and unification.

  2. The issue of student transfers and transportation.

  3. Future population increases over the next 15 years.

  4. Guaranteeing that all students receive an education that is equal to or better than is provided in surrounding districts, regardless of which Menifee school they attend.
In my opinion this is accomplished by continuing to:

  1. Hire the most qualified teachers.

  2. Work at improving the quality of the education our students receive in Menifee.

  3. Listen to the concerns of the community and make decisions accordingly, sometimes case by case.

  4. Pursuing the work towards unification.
We need the Menifee Union School District, to be where students want to transfer to, not from!

"Put Students First" on Election Day! Vote for Jerry Bowman.


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  1. I for one think that Mr Bowman will be a fantastic addition to our Menifee Union School District Board. OOOOOORahhhhhhhh !! Airborne !!!

  2. Hello Mr. Bowman,

    I have several questions.

    Will you give the same prioritiy to Unification that Fred Twyman did?

    Will you seek legistlative and gubernatorial help to pass special legislation, if ncessary?

    Will you push for a plan to break off from Perris Union High School? Explanation: A plan would promote separate facilities for An "Academy" or school for problem students, an Adult High School and facilities for Special Education.

    I hope that are public forums to hear and meet the school board candidates.

  3. To anonymous,

    As for giving the same priority to unification that Fred Twyman did, I can only state that unification is and will be one of my highest priorities.

    I believe that unification is a given for the Menifee District, the question is will it be sooner or later. (I would lean towards sooner than later) There are obvious financial and logistical barriers that will need to be dealt with and we need to be ready to deal with them when that time is right.

    As for a plan on breaking from the Perris District, the goal, as I see it, is to be unified and with unification having control of the educational experience our students in Menifee have. That would also mean eventually having the power to explore programs like you suggest or others such as alternative programs, small learning communities, college partnerships,online programs, etc.

    Without unification that power lies with the Perris District.

    I also would look forward to a public forum and the chance to meet more of the community. Until then I will be doing my best to serve the community as your Trustee.

    "PUT STUDENTS FIRST" and vote Jerry Bowman for Menifee School Board in November.

    Jerry Bowman
    MUSD Trustee

  4. Will you do something about the parking and pick up disaster at Menifee Valley Middle School. If so you have my vote. If not, can you give me the name of the person (or persons) running against you so I can contact them?

  5. To anonymous August 17, 2008 2:34 AM

    I understand your frustration regarding drop off and pick up times at any school. I myself deal with the same issue with both of my younger daughters. Also as a teacher I really had to take school starting times in to consideration. (High School traffic is even worse) However I would suggest you bring up specfic issues at Menifee Valley MS in a formal way with the District. (Starting at Menifee Valley if you haven't already)

    There is also a formal complaint proceedure if needed.

    You could also speak to the concern at the Board meeting. (If the above doesn't satisfy your concerns)This allows the Board to address concerns as a team which is the way any Board is effective.

    I do know in my short time on the Board that the District leadership works very closely with the CHP in trying to make sure student safety to and from all schools is a priorty.

    I hope this helps.

    I really believe this is usually the best way to deal with specfic issues if they can not be satisfied at the school itself.(The best place to start) I feel this forum isn't really the place for me to start micro managing individual concerns. Having said that, your concern is duly noted.

    "PUT STUDENTS FIRST" and vote Jerry Bowman for Menifee School Board in November.

    Jerry Bowman
    MUSD Trustee

  6. Hello Mr Bowman,

    I like your responses. Particularly, the concept of breaking down large, massive high schools to smaller type of learning centers. I believe many boys will benefit from smaller learning environments.

    I still need for you to indicate whether you would support the Menifee Area having its own "academy" (similar to one located in Perris); adult high school (similar to Perris Lake); more Special Education facilities similar to Perris and Transportation Administration services. Other words, I want to review a plan that will specify when these facilities will be established in the Menifee Area. If this plan is implemented, then Perris will be more able to stand on its own than when Val Verde School District broke away approximately 20 years ago. Please comment.

  7. Dear anonymous August 17, 2008 5:16 PM

    I hope I can answer your question in regards to future plans for the District.

    As I mentioned earlier, unification is one of my top priorities. With unification comes the responsiblity of meeting the needs of all students. That includes alternative programs such as a continuation high school,("Acadamies") 18-22 year old programs, Adult Education programs, Independent Studies programs, appropiate Special Education programs, etc. The configuration of these programs need to be geared to the needs of the Menifee students and not a "one size fits all" model.

    As for a specific plan, at this point, I feel it is putting the cart before the horse. This is not to say that conceptually we don't need to be prepared to have these issues dealt with and a general plan in place when the time comes.

    I feel very strongly that this is best addressed with input from all stake holders (including Perris USD)prior to moving forward. Transparency of information and an open mind and discussion is important during this entire process.

    I would very much like to be part of any "committee" for this purpose, however would hesitate to have one specific model in mind before hearing from all sides regarding the needs of our students.

    I hope this helps, if the question is do I support having a plan in place, the short answer is that I feel it must be.

    "PUT STUDENTS FIRST" and vote Jerry Bowman for Menifee School Board in November.

    Jerry Bowman
    MUSD Trustee

  8. Hello Mr. Bowman,

    Actually, my question on similar facilities must be implemented by the Perris Union School District. However, I am excited about your comments, which will make me more incline to vote for you. Hopefully, if you are elected, you maintain the same commitment to unification as Fred Twyman did.

    Good Luck

  9. Hello Mr. Bowman,

    I would like to know where you stand on Arts education, particularly the music classes and band classes in the elementary schools (3rd - 5th grade).

  10. Mr. Bowman please do not be a slick Willy. People are sick and tired of mouth pieces, that will say anything to get they can turn add it to their resume.

    I have to admit I would rather have a parent advocate on board instead of another bureaucrat, however you make much better sense than your counterpart Mr. Freeman.

    Go Gold!

  11. From anonymous Aug. 17, 2:34. The answer of a Politician... The problem Is getting In and out with out getting run over by crazy's. The road In and out and the parking are the problem and have been for years. I'm not the only one who complains, everyone I know who has kids going to or have gone to that school have complained. You could have at least blowen me off by saying you would look Into It. We usually get that. The bottom line Is we need a road that will get us In and Out with out a traffic jam or getting run over by someone In a hurry (most are).

  12. I think I heard that they are considering putting in a light at the corner of Murrieta Rd and Garbani. This may help somewhat, but why can't they also make the traffic on the street headed toward Murrieta Road at dismissal have a stop sign where the parking lot traffic is trying to exit as well. The traffic heading toward Murrieta Road is notorious for "not noticing" that there are cars needing to leave the parking lot, making them sit there for LONG periods of time. There needs to be a "take turns" sort of situation happening. How can we get that to happen? There have been times when I sit in the parking lot traffic for over 20 minutes because the line to get out of the lot is not allowed "in" to the line of traffic on the street.

  13. I think I heard that they are considering putting in a light at the corner of Murrieta Rd and Garbani. This may help somewhat, but why can't they also make the traffic on the street headed toward Murrieta Road at dismissal have a stop sign where the parking lot traffic is trying to exit as well. The traffic heading toward Murrieta Road is notorious for "not noticing" that there are cars needing to leave the parking lot, making them sit there for LONG periods of time. There needs to be a "take turns" sort of situation happening. How can we get that to happen? There have been times when I sit in the parking lot traffic for over 20 minutes because the line to get out of the lot is not allowed "in" to the line of traffic on the street.

  14. Dear anonymous August 17, 2008 9:15 PM,

    I am sure you are aware that even during this time of financial unrest in education, Menifee USD has made the Elementary and Middle School Arts Programs a priority. Something that unfortunately is becoming very scare in other districts.

    I will continue to make these programs a priorty so we continue to offer the students of Menifee these very rich experiences.

    In fact I was privleged to visit the Music Class at Bell Mountain today. Very impressive! They are starting a beginning guitar class and just recieved the first shipment of guitars. How cool is that?

    "PUT STUDENTS FIRST" and vote Jerry Bowman for Menifee School Board in November.

    Jerry Bowman
    MUSD Trustee

  15. I'm glad you got to visit the music class at BMMS. Mr. Kettner is a fantastic teacher.

  16. I am inclined to agree with other posters, that we don't want another teacher advocate on the board. You sound reasonable and I like the way you responded to tough and maybe personal attacks by others on here. You stayed focus on the issue and did not take it personally. Cudous to you! I looked at your counter part Mr. Freeman..and he just layed into some parents/posters.

    Good luck to you and you will have my vote unless a strong parent advocate comes aboard.


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