13-year-old arrested in beating of Ethan A. Chase student

By Doug Spoon, Editor A 13-year-old boy was arrested tonight on suspicion of assault after an attack Monday on a fellow student at Ethan A...

By Doug Spoon, Editor

A 13-year-old boy was arrested tonight on suspicion of assault after an attack Monday on a fellow student at Ethan A. Chase Middle School in Menifee.

Menifee Police Department Captain Dave Gutierrez said the decision to arrest the boy was made in consultation with the juvenile District Attorney after police received additional information on the extent of the victim’s injuries. Gutierrez described them as moderate injuries, adding they were facial injuries requiring the victim to be treated at a hospital.

Meanwhile, concerned parents of students at the school are seeking answers from school administrators regarding the incident and questioning how much supervision was present at the time.

Earlier today, Romoland School District officials called the incident an “altercation” between two students during a morning nutrition break at the school. According to friends who have spoken to the parents of the student – who is said to be autistic -- their son was eating when he was attacked by another student who beat him severely.

School and district officials said this afternoon they can’t comment on specifics of the incident or the injured student’s medical condition. Several parents contacted Menifee 24/7 to say the boy suffered a mild concussion and a possible fractured eye socket, but that has not been confirmed.

A call to superintendent Trevor Painton was referred to Madison Arreola, public information officer for the district. In an emailed response this afternoon, Arreola wrote that the district “cannot publicly release information” about the injured student’s health or any disciplinary action taken against the other student.

Several parents reported on social media that there were no campus supervisors or other adult supervision on the scene at the time of the incident. Arreola said those allegations are not true – a statement backed up by the school principal.

A call to the office of Ethan A. Chase principal Chris Hernandez also was referred to Arreola, but Menifee 24/7 obtained a copy of an email Hernandez sent in response to questions from another concerned parent today. In that email, he wrote that “supervisors and administration were on duty” when the incident occurred, “but the incident occurred in less than nine seconds, so by the time they got there, another student had already intervened.”

In the email, Hernandez also denied a rumor that the other student was only suspended one day, writing, “It is more severe than a one-day suspension.”

Asked about district protocol for campus supervision, Arreola said, “The school has a campus supervisor on-site during all breaks” and that there is more than one designated supervisor on campus each day. She added, “There is a standard staffing ratio of campus supervisors per number of students on campus. We maintain that standard. As student enrollment at the school has increased, campus supervisor hours have increased.”

Parents have complained on social media about frequent fights on the campus and at the park adjacent to campus after school on many days. Gutierrez said the police department conducts patrols of school areas when possible, but that he wasn’t aware of complaints about fights in Discovery Park, next to the school.

“We respond if we are aware of problems,” Gutierrez said. “The City also has two park rangers who check on conditions at the parks. The schools still have some responsibility outside their borders as well. We are working with them on resolutions.”

Gutierrez said that Menifee PD has had discussions with Menifee Union School District and Perris Union High School District about the possibility of assigning a school resource officer at certain campuses. He said Romoland School District has not as yet been part of those discussions.

“Everybody understands the benefits, but it comes down to cost,” Gutierrez said.

A parent of one student said she requested that her son be allowed to meet with a school counselor about the incident but hadn’t yet been contacted.

“There was no counseling offered as a whole for the students who were traumatized by this event, as well as past events,” the parent told Menifee 24/7. “Parents have no confidence in the administration.”

According to Gutierrez, the suspect was transported to Juvenile Hall. It is unclear whether he is still in custody or has been released in the custody of his parents. The DA would be required to file a petition within 48 hours and a detention hearing would be held to determine the next steps, Gutierrez said.


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  1. The school has know about the fighting problem. Just last week is when the principals had mad his presence know. Which is crazy when the school has a Instagram account. School fight at eathan Chase. So how is that supriseing ???how can you explan that

  2. The school administration needs to resign! Money is an issue to hire a police officer! So the safety of our kids cost too much! Yet they robo-dialed every day to get more grant money. I assure you, if someone audits their books the money is there. They just don’t want to spend it!

  3. We made the choice to place our daughter in the Murrieta school district. So glad we did this 3 years ago after she was bullied and threatened at Ethan A Chase. The sad part is we live next to Ethan A Chase and pay the high taxes for a school that we will not be sending our son to when he enters the 6th grade.Discovery park is so trashed with graffiti and trash the kids leave behind after school. HOA busy with other matters I guess.

  4. Both of my kids did not attend any schools in the garbage Romoland school district. One attended WCA and the other in Murrieta. We pay the highest amount of money in property taxes to a failing school district. We need to start attending board meetings and demanding accountability of these fraudulent administrators. Menifee School District should absorb the corrupt Romoland district.

  5. Discipline begins at home, we as parents expect schools to teach our children but god forbid "our angels" the same ones you yell at home for misbehaving get discipline. The school is there to teach them, its our job responsibility to start being Real parents as our parents were, checking their homework not just asking if they did it. Checking there grades instead of being online on social media. Carrying our small children whdn they cry as oppossed to handing thdm a phone so a cell can educate them. Its irresponsible to give children cellphones, we know they will go into inappropriate content, posibly bully others and they are still mentally immature to handle conflict.

    Stop blaming staff and begin to attend school boards and PARENTING CLASSES stop being their " friends" trying to be the cool parents.

    Fyi- Murrieta also has fights but that district hidestheir referrals and appeases parents.

    Next time a school administrator or teacher calls believe them.

    Something to think about: HOMES ARE SUPPOSE TO BE A CHILDS SAFE HAPPY HOME then why during the shutdown were they depressed and so much suicide, it wasnt the teachers or schools so you found someone else to blame but it YOU as parents who caused this. Please dont blame work lets start blaming ourselves.

    Discipline and teaching our children right from wrong begins at home.


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