Reader Input Sought Regarding Menifee Boys & Girls Club

A committee formed to start a Boys & Girls Club in Menifee is seeking input from the public about the need and value of such an organiza...

A committee formed to start a Boys & Girls Club in Menifee is seeking input from the public about the need and value of such an organization for Menifee's youth.

"More and more families are moving into our community and with the need for parents to commute to their jobs, a Boys & Girls Club would be an incredible asset to Menifee," said Sue Kristjansson, former City Council member and chair of the committee.

The idea of starting a club has been talked about for many years and it is now coming to fruition. The committee recently received incorporation documents for the "Menifee Valley Boys & Girls Club" and has developed a survey so members of the community can voice their opinion on the value to the community.

"We’ve heard from a lot of people that they really want this club, but we’d like to get some specific data to confirm what we already believe to be true – that Menifee families would use and support the Menifee Valley Boys & Girls Club," Kristjansson said.

Readers are urged to go to and click on the Boys and Girls Club Survey located under Announcements in the upper-right corner. The survey will close on May 22, so make sure your voice is heard!


Sue Kristjansson 2667492332141500675

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  1. I would encourage anyone with an interest in this open request for opinions to visit the Boys and Girls club in Murrieta.

    I truly enjoy the energy while frequenting the Wheatfield gym area for various sports with my children, but I have to say, the Boy's and Girl's club in Murrieta seems to attract latchkey youth with an overly mature vocabulary and sassy attitude -- and they're NOT young kids either.

    I willingly bring my kids in and out of the Wheatfield area because its been my experience this is a VERY family friendly environment, but the Boys and Girls club in Murrieta is a totally different beast with kids smoking and swearing profusely.

    The Murrieta location may very well be an anomaly, but if they decide to bring one into our community, I hope the plans include proper preparation for staffing and some sort of security, because this appears to be something of a problem for the current site in Murrieta.

    Robert Entrican


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