Storage Wars in Menifee?

Upon seeing a Fox News van in front of Statewide Storage on Newport last Monday morning, MSJC student Paul Tavake stopped to see if there ...

Upon seeing a Fox News van in front of Statewide Storage on Newport last Monday morning, MSJC student Paul Tavake stopped to see if there was a "Storage Wars" taking place here in our fine city of Menifee. Although neither the Mogul or the Gambler from A&E's "Storage Wars" showed up "it was exciting to see an actual auction taking place."

"I followed the herd of bidders to the last unit of the day that was filled with old carpet samples, but it also had 5 or 6 mystery boxes in it". Everyone seemed disapointed in the unit, and then one guy jokingly opened the bid at $10 and won it. "Dang," continued Tavake "I wish I had brought my wallet just so I could see what was in those mystery boxes."

Tavake didn't walk away empty handed. He has this great picture of him and the A&E Storage Wars star, Auctioneer Dan Dotson. "Dan was a really friendly guy and talks just as fast in real life as he does as an auctioneer", said Tavake.

Jim Branson, the Manager of Statewide Storage, said that the Fox News unit was from Las Vegas, but that an interview with Dan Dotson here at the storage auction in Menifee was the soonest time Dotson had available.

A total of 7 units were auctioned today, that sold from $5 to almost $2,000. Statewide used Dotson way before "Storage Wars" came out. Normally auctions are scheduled to take place after 90 days of non-payment on the storage unit.

"The hardest part of the auctions," said Branson "is that I become friends with these tenants...every one's got a story. Kind of like a barbershop. It's sad when it gets to that point where the auction has to take place."

After spending quite some time talking with Branson, what impressed me the most (besides his quick wit and friendliness) is the free storage that Statewide Storage provides to some of the non-profit groups here in Menifee, like storing all the toys that the local Firefighters collect for the Menifee Valley Community Cupboard 'Santa's Workshop' each year.

I LOVE to see people and businesses and people who give back to our City of Menifee.

Check them out: Statewide Storage is located at 27090 Newport Road, Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 301-8110


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  1. Even though the "Mogul" or the "Gambler" weren't at this auction. There was plenty of active bidding going on...


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