Loma Linda Medical Center- Murrieta (West Menifee)

December 8th was the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Loma Linda University Medical Center- Murrieta. The plans for the new ...

Murrieta Loma Linda Medical CenterDecember 8th was the official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Loma Linda University Medical Center- Murrieta. The plans for the new hospital were first discussed back in May, 2005. The new hospital will be located off Antelope, between Scott Road and Clinton Keith, just a few miles from Menifee. The hospital will initially have 106 beds, including an ICU, labor and delivery suites and a full service Emergency room. This new hospital will help alleviate the hospital shortage that Southwest Riverside County now faces. In addition, residents will have more healthcare options, besides Menifee Valley, Rancho Springs and Inland Valley Medical Center.

Dr. Piconi, a retired Murrieta urologist and over 70 local community physicians raised 10 million dollars to help make this hospital possible, including Dr. Walter Combs (www.ranchofamilymed.com) and Dr. Jay Ferns.
Further, Loma Linda CEO, Ruthita Fike was also present, representing Loma Linda Medical Center. The new hospital is expected to be part of the great tradition and reputation that Loma Linda University Hospital has as a Research and Physician Training center.

Murrieta City Council members were at the ceremony and they informed the participants that the 215 freeway between 15/215 juncture and Scott Road would be widened and that plans are underway to create a freeway exit/on ramp at Keller road and the 215.

Southwest Riverside is medically underserved as a community. By 2020, it is expected that there will be 1.13 beds per thousand people, far below the national average. This hospital serves a very important need to Southwest county residents, especially Menifee and Sun City residents.

The new hospital is scheduled to open up January 2011. The site is visible off the freeway next to the new fire station off antelope, between Scott and Clinton Keith. Photos of the event can be seen at Faceboook CityOfMenifee.com


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  1. Glad to see Menifee will have a real hospital here.

  2. This will be a great asset to the entire area. Anyone who has dealt with the frustrations and medical treatment at some of the local hospitals can only say thank you to all the doctors and other individuals for making this a reality.

  3. This is much needed.
    I noticed the it was stated the opening is slated for January 2011. Everything I read about this hospital previously stated that the ER and a percentage of the hospital would be opening January 2010.

  4. I'm excited to see that the 215 will be expanding and a new off ramp will be made. We desperately need the 215 to be bigger.

  5. This will be a much welcome addition to the area! Its about time!!! Even though I have Kaiser - it will be nice to know in an emergency - quality care and facilities are near by!

  6. Kaiser plans on building medical office buildings near the Loma Linda hospital also. No hospital though.

  7. I hope they post how we can apply for open positions at the new hospital!!!!

  8. Nice to have new hospital so close by, but protesters are really making daily travel on Antelope a hazard. They need to be controlled before someone gets hurt!!

  9. What's the protesting about? Does someone really know?

  10. I am so excited to hear that we'll be having a dependable hospital around our area. And on top of it all is that it is a christian Hospital!what a blessing indeed. As a nurse, I would be very much willing to work there and it's much closer to home.I love what they stand for as their mission"seeks further healing and teaching ministry on Jesus Christ and their different community outreaches that would be benefiting to residents.I can't wait for a job interview!

  11. Will there be any positions for diabetes educators?

  12. I can't wait for this facility to open since I currently travel to Loma Linda for medical care.

  13. I agree about the job postings...I would loe to work there and will be done with my training by then.....thank goodness the 215 will widen...this is fantastic

  14. we are looking forward for this hospital..Southwest healthcare hospitals sucks

  15. Do you guys have a website for job openings?

  16. Where can you apply for job openings? I am a recent surgical tech. graduate.

  17. This is awesome. I'm a resident of Menifee & work for USC University Hospital in LA. It would be great to have the possibility or opportinity to work up the street from my home...

  18. when are you going to start accepting appilications? I would love to be first in line.

  19. is this new hospital having a gastroenterology serv lik a gi lab.

  20. How soon can we see the job openings for this hospital. I am an unemployed Military Retiree and need a job in this area. Riverside county is dieing for jobs. amart99@hotmail.com

  21. does anyone know when they are hiring?

  22. when are you gonna post the hiring? i'm glad its near to my home 10 mins away than going to l.a

  23. When will you be posting jobs

  24. I have made the commute to a hospital in OC for over 20 years. Would love to have a chance to work closer to home.

  25. are they going to have a laboratory? Any med tech ( CLS) position available?

  26. How do we apply for employment at this new facility in Menifee? Is there a website with Job listings?

  27. Do you have a Human Resource for this new facility in Menifee, I live close to this new location, Is there a website foe job listings?

  28. This will be a fabulous, and much needed, addition to the community. My husband has, unfortunately, had to go to both Rancho Springs and Inland Valley and he received absolutely terrible treatment. I currently receive healthcare through my employer and they pay 100% of the premium but I have kept my husband on Cobra through my former employer (my husband has several chronic medical conditions that are serious) at a cost of $400 a month just because I am so scared that if something happened he would have to go to one of those hospitals. Cobra will run out soon and I am happy to hear that there may be a possible acceptable alternative.

  29. we are looking foward to have this facility open. I think it will open new doors to thoes who don't have a job. I'm speaking for all of us we need a website were we can apply for jobs. Can u please post one.

  30. Yes, i am happy that there is a new hospital close by. Can you post job listing at website so we can apply job?

  31. I am buying a home in the Heritage Lake area. I am a registered nurse and would prefer not to commute to San Diego to work. When will they have job openings posted?

  32. This new hospital is well needed for the area, it will be appreciated by many people who plan to use it for medical care and/or work there. How can one apply to be a working member of the facility.


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