Menifee Government Watchdog in the Works

Bill Zeidlik, who has been actively involved in the community for a long time, passed out a flier at this evening's city council meeting...

Bill Zeidlik, who has been actively involved in the community for a long time, passed out a flier at this evening's city council meeting announcing a community forum to be held on Wednesday, August 20, at 7:00pm, located at the Menifee Rural Center (on Haun Rd, north of Garbani).

His flier went on to discuss the need to create a "network of study groups, action groups and service groups, that work together to create a better Menifee". His goal is to hold all elected officials accountable to the public.

He goes on to describe his tactics, which is based on "grassroots organizing", and includes among other things, writing to the local newspapers, publishing websites, running paid ads, and conducting petitions.

It sounds like he's trying to create a Menifee version of "Rescue Murrieta", the group that successfully forced a recall of some Murrieta councilmembers a few years back.


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  1. Bill I like it...I like it a Lot!

  2. Bill is pretty pro city and his meeting is in association with Fred Twyman's request that the Council develop a timeline on creating more community advisory groups. Fred was given the leash it seems.

    Bill has his pet issues of course but I'm sure there are a lot of others who have questions about the issues or would like to have more input into the future of Menifee than a 3 minute city council commercial.

    We don't all have the clout to change the agenda of a city council meeting for a presentation, or get a council support vote with no background discussion or study.

    I'm a big supporter of Race for Humanity...but how do you get to change the agenda if you aren't Lori Stone? Kudos to her, but how does a regular joe get to do that?

  3. Leave the city council alone and let them do the job we all elected them to do.

    You don't like it, vote them out the next time you can. You all need to stop being pains in the butts.

  4. To the previous post.

    I guess I was unaware how a City worked?
    You say we should:
    Elect a Council and then just sit back and let them do whatever they wish.
    What a great concept. As long as I live here, I will never have to worry about how the City officials are spending my money. I can trust their every move.
    Thanks! I can now relax.

  5. To the last poster.

    Yes... go relax, get a job, or work on a NEW hobby. Keep your eyes and ears open and vote for good people.

    Good luck

  6. Sounds good to me. The more involved that we as citizens are within our community, the more the city will benefit.

  7. WHY FEAR A 'WATCHDOG GROUP'? Every public figure/group who is responsible for public matters, whether it be financially, physical growth, etc SHOULD know that their actions (AND VOTES) will be audited and/or disclosed. This is just good stewardship for which they must account. Any upstanding public figure can expect that, as well they know beforehand. So I am glad to see a "Ralph Nader" step forward and keep us informed on things going on around our new city. Surely Bill obviously knows that he probably won't win any publicity contests, and as "Ralph N" learned (maybe the hard way), some things must be taken with a grain of salt, brushed off and "waved on by". Maybe a good motto for him would be the ole 'sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never harm me' (unless I let it).... Thank you Bill - go !!

  8. I agree keep us accountable. We need your input.

  9. I think that Bill has the right idea but without the city council running the show. Members of the community should be running the community advisory groups only and pass information on to the City Council to act on. Thes community advisory groups should be given the same support and time from the city council as they give Jeff Stone and his sister in making presentations to the city council.

  10. Would theses be good groups?

    Quail Valley Advisory Council. (Area Explains it's self)

    Rural (Antelope Valley) Advisory council (Basically south of Craig Rd. maybe some adjustments)

    Menifee Valley Advisory Basically the non senior communities north of Craig Rd. and south of Salt Creek channel including the La Ladera area with some adjustments)

    SunCity/Senior Community Advisory council (All 55+ HOAs)

    Romoland Advisory Council (all non 55+ areas north of the SunCity and the Oasis.)

    Economic Development Advisory Council (a mix of Chamber members and interested community members)

    Planning/Land Development Commission (Five individuals chosen by the city council to review land use proposals.)

    How does that sound did I leave anybody out?


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