6-year-old Aiden Cardona honored for volunteer efforts
Aiden Cardona is honored by Menifee Mayor Bill Zimmerman and City Council member Lesa Sobek. By Doug Spoon, Editor Six-year-old Aiden Card...

Aiden Cardona is honored by Menifee Mayor Bill Zimmerman and City Council member Lesa Sobek.
By Doug Spoon, Editor
Six-year-old Aiden Cardona listened to the tributes given about him and quietly said, “Wow, I guess I’m kinda famous.”
In his own little way, Aiden has indeed become one of Menifee’s hometown heroes. He was honored on Thursday by local officials for his volunteer efforts – making him one of the youngest volunteers in the city.
Aiden was nominated for the honor by Pastor Ieesha B. Sharp, director/founder of Lead Your Ship Ministries, Inc. – a non-profit organization in Menifee designed to “Teach, train and build great leaders that will build lasting relationships with their community.”
When Aiden’s father Brian began volunteering at Lead Your Ship events, Aiden asked to come along. He has been so helpful with tasks and eager to participate – including walking in Menifee’s Independence Day parade – that Sharp felt inspired to honor him as an example to other youngsters.
“We were going to ride in a convertible in the parade, but the top was stuck and wouldn’t go down,” Sharp said. “Aiden said, ‘That’s OK, Pastor. We can walk, I can wave, I can dance and I’ll throw candy.' And he did. There was a problem, and he provided a solution.
“That made me realize, this isn’t just a 6-year-old. This is a 6-year-old leader in the making.”
In addition to a certificate presented to Aiden by Sharp, the young man received commendations from the City of Menifee, with Mayor Bill Zimmerman and City Council member Lesa Sobek attending; and representatives from the offices of Senators Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh and Kelly Seyarto.
Brian Cardona said from the very beginning, Aiden wanted to be involved in activities with his dad at Lead Your Ship Ministries.
“I told Aiden I had to work one weekend and he said, ‘Daddy, I want to go too,’” Cardona said. “He said, ‘I just want to help people. I don’t care what I get, I just want to help people.' Every time we go, Aiden is super excited, jumping around and full of energy."