Work of Menifee Artist, Local Children Will Be Unveiled at Gallery Reception Sunday

Luciano Paesani talks with a youngster and others in front of his artwork at the recent Showcase. The word artist sometimes suggests image...

Luciano Paesani talks with a youngster and others in front of his artwork at the recent Showcase.

The word artist sometimes suggests images of an eccentric individual who is reclusive and very protective of his work.

Luciano Paesani is just the opposite. He not only shares his work with others, he invites them to join in the creative process.

Paesani, a resident of Menifee, showed up at the Arts Council Menifee Showcase May 19 with some of his completed works, but also with a blank canvas. Instead of painting on the canvas for guests to see, he invited children to come up and paint whatever they wished.

One at a time throughout the day, about 20 local youths picked up a brush and added images to the canvas. When they were finished, Paesani added a few touches of his own. The finished painting, titled Community, will be unveiled Sunday during an art gallery reception at the Kay Ceniceros Center.

It truly is a group effort and an example of how Paesani loves to share his craft with others.

"Every time I go somewhere to display my artwork, I bring a canvas," said Paesani, who lives in Menifee with his wife Adria and sons Ryan, 16, and Dylan, 11. "I always let the kids put some color on the canvas. I was going to donate the painting to one of the kids who were there, but I decided a better idea was to donate it to the community."

The plan is to display Community on the walls of the Arts Council Menifee art gallery at Kay Ceniceros for a few weeks, then display it permanently at the Sun City Library. Local residents can get their first look at the painting Sunday during the second grand opening of the ACM gallery, scheduled for 1-3 p.m.

Paesani developed a passion for painting as a boy in his native Brazil. He went on to attend the Pan American Art School. At age 22, he moved to the U.S. and started his professional career as a set painter in the movie industry. Since moving to Menifee six years ago, he has focused on acrylic painting on canvas.

"Lately, I've focused on abstract people in my paintings," said Pasesani, who has displayed some of his artwork in Lake Elsinore and will display other work at the Brazilian Consulate in Beverly Hills. "My son drew me something with a stick figure with a long face. I liked the idea and I started a collection of paintings with backgrounds related to Brazil and stick figures."

Paesani has always combined his passion for painting with his love of children.

"We used to live in Long Beach," he said. "You can't just let your kid go outside and ride their bike there. Here, we don't have to worry so much about our kids.

"This is getting to be a younger town. Art should be important to kids, and it's important we get that going here."

The painting Community began with one child who painted a giant smiley face in the middle of the blank canvas. What happened afterward was exciting to Paseani.

"None of the other kids touched the inside of that face," he said. "They all used their own space of the canvas. Some painted hearts, flowers or animals. It turned out really nice."

Arts Council Menifee Art Gallery Reception
Sunday, July 8
1-3 p.m.
Kay Ceniceros Center
29995 Evans Road
Menifee, CA 92586

Two local youngsters pose in front of an early version of the painting Community.


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  1. His work is exceptional! Lets hope he starts some classes for the young folks in town, he is 'that' good.


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