Menifee Measure C (Wal-Mart) Election Results

At 11:01PM this evening, with 100% of the ballots counted, Measure C passes with a landslide approval rate... YES - 7,834 (76.83%) NO - 2,36...

measure c walmart election ballotAt 11:01PM this evening, with 100% of the ballots counted, Measure C passes with a landslide approval rate...

YES - 7,834 (76.83%)
NO - 2,363 (23.17%)

At 9:30PM this evening, with 37.5% of the ballots counted, here's the current vote count...

YES - 6,983 (78.13%)
NO - 1,955 (21.87%)

At 8:02PM this evening, with 30% of the ballots counted, here was vote count...

YES - 6,821 (78.20%)
NO - 1,901 (21.80%)

This is the vote tally on Measure C, the Wal-Mart ballot.

Yes = to approve a new Wal-Mart
No = to disapprove a new Wal-Mart


Wal-Mart 3957957247802298495

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  1. I'm so excited to witness the waste of our city tax dollars on this election :-\ - (sigh).

    Hopefully the next go around will bring more qualified candidates to city council so important matters like this are more carefully reviewed with an eye for business and community development. Instead, it got pushed to a vote because council members couldn't agree.

    Seems like the same problem we have in Washington :-\.

    I mean no disrespect to our sitting members, I'm grateful for their community contribution, but a little more business experience in our elected officials would be a good start for us.

  2. I agree with above. Our council should have just said "NO" to Wal-Mart. We don't want it or need it and it will not bring any significant business. It will increase traffic and crime and we don't have adequate roads as it is.
    I'm sure this measure will pass given the daily full page flyers received in the mail in favor of it. I wonder where the money for all those flyers came from? Wal-Mart!!

  3. This is ridiculous. The people in this town don't think of what is going to happen to this community if Walmart goes in. Re zoning the area for Walmart means the people with livestock will most likely have to get rid of their animals and their property taxes will either double or triple in price. You can't have livestock on commercial property. Nobody thinks about anyone except themselves that is what is wrong with the world today. Not to mention the traffic since Walmart will only contribute 3.5 million for the roads but the estimated 60 million that they were counting on from the state to upgrade the freeway will not be coming because our state is bankrupt. But don't worry when nobody can get down Scott Rd. In the morning they will just drive down
    Newport and when they can't afford that freeway upgrade be ready to dip into your pockets if
    you own property here. Now that the land around walmart will be re zoned they can start with
    those new commercial property owners. And when you lose your union job don't worry you can
    get a job at Walmart making minimum wage. There will be 300 of those jobs available out of the 450 that are going to be lost.

  4. Stupid stupid stupid.... Incredible.

  5. Let's look at the whole picture:

    1. Walmart wants menifee residents to shop at there store.
    2. If we let them build there will be increased traffic, low paying jobs and all the other things that those who vote against it say will happen.
    3. Walmart will be providing jobs (low paying or not, many people want them) and as a city we will gain tax dollars from the sales that take place there.
    4. If we vote no then Walmart will just get land from Perris or Murrieta and build right on our boarder. Then we will get the traffic etc, without any tax revenue from it.

    Business and growth happen, it is definitely better to plan the growth which the council and planning commission has done by pushing a commitment of 3 million dollars from Walmart to help with the bridge expansion and other road improvements. To deny growth will only cut our own city revenue and money we would like to have to create and maintain walking trails, horse trails and all the other things that will keep Menifee...Menifee.

  6. So much for the 'small town' feel. Welcome to Hemet folks and bring on the graffiti!

  7. It's always funny to hear about how Menifee doesn't want a Wal-Mart when over 78% is voting yes. Everyone is always so negative with the store, but they are the biggest chain in the world. People accuse Wal-Mart of selling nothing but product made in China, but they sell similar products as SuperTarget. I do wish Costco came instead, but I welcome the addition of Wal-Mart to our city. If it does bring in crime, then be responsible citizens and help stop it. With cityhood brings stores, and Wal-Mart was inevitable. Temecula, Murrieta, Lake Elsinore, Hemet, and Perris all have one. What makes us think that we would be any different? I'm glad we have more shopping choices.

  8. There are future plans for a Costco on the opposite side of the freeway from the Walmart corner. Of course plans can change but that is the word for now from the city planning commission. Growth can be good if we maintain our country feel as we grow.

  9. You people are unbelievable....who do you think build roads, contributes to schools, parks, and police....not your tax dollars...developments like these help build infrastructure. If your deal is having goat paths throughout the city and not pavement like a 21st century city, then keep complaining and maybe you will be successful in preventing MODERN PROGRESS..... Wake Up.

  10. Wal Mart will be a useless addition. We have a Super Target and thats all we should have. Wal Mart? Really? With so many people of Menifee hating on this idea you'd think they'd throw it out and say "No, Menifee does NOT want a Wal Mart." But instead you keep casting the line out "Who wants a Wal Mart? Now who doesn't?" it's always going to be a big fat NO. Wal Mart can just take their trashy business elsewhere because we don't want them messing up OUR little Menifee.

  11. I Can't believe So many people are miss informed. the lion share of the 60 million for road construction is our tax Dollars.and where Banking On houses that aren't even built yet. Menifee has a good nest egg now.But not for long at this rate?

  12. Menifee is bound to grow economically. This "small town feel" isn't going to last forever. So if we can all just accept what is going it can make the process go by much smoother. Not everyone may like it, but every small town eventually starts to grow. It's unavoidable. Plus, if anyone is to blame, it's the residents of Menifee. People's need needs grow so those needs need to be fulfilled. Which explains the economical growth. So we all just need to suck it up. I personally don't care much about this situation but I am just one person. But I am sure there are more people out there that understand what I'm saying. But for now all we can do is wait. Either let our town grow. Or just let it stay behind.

    -Philly J

  13. Wal-Mart is NOT paying for road improvements. READ facts. Wal-Mart is NOT progress. Duh, ANY OTHER business would also pay due taxes and do MORE than Wal-Mart. That intersection is a prime location that would lured better commercial development. FACT: 78% grabbed the first junky offer. FACT: City council did NOT want Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart was relentless and wanted uneducated residents to vote.... sad to read that 78% of voters did NOT truly study the impact of this decision. I hope they cough on exhaust fumes for their vote for a traffic jam on Scott Road. Some people who cannot afford to live in a real city come to Menifee trashing this land as if this is some simulation game that can be restarted. I miss the Budweiser horses. And obviously the one who was a bad mouth about goat paths never could afford a vacation home in Maui -either- where we enjoy the goat paths. Fact: 78% of the residents are low class, need instant gratification, and are too illiterate to understand the facts ... IF they even read the news.

  14. In response to my comment left @ 12:17 PM today - apparently I wasn't clear because I was intending to communicate a sense of sarcastic dissatisfaction with the idea that council wouldn't just approve the plan with some modifications.

    Menifee will live or die by its ability to collect revenue. This is what will separate us from the other towns commonly cited in these arguments. As long we're vigilant in choosing which businesses to allow in, we won't end up with vacant big box stores all across town.

    Wal-Mart generates a lot of tax revenue and with the right controls in place - this can be a HUGE asset for our city. Look at all the prospective tenants for the new Shops at Scott center - they're all salivating over the idea that a large shopping center could/will go in across the street and are waiting to sign leases largely based on the results of this election.

    Incorporation mean progress and progress means change. Some will like it, while others will hate it -- but it's going to happen either way, so why not just roll with it and stop griping.

    It would have been nice to save the 50K on this election, but some of the council members were too concerned about back-lash to take a bold stance. To effect change means to be bold, brave, and often stand alone. You can bet I'm going to look closer at candidate background before I cast my next vote for a sitting councilmember seat.

    I look forward to the day Menifee has a thriving economy, lush infrastructure, and mature business practices. I want to thank our current council members for their service and I look forward to years of sensible commercial, residential, and economic growth in our town.

  15. Wow, with all these folks speaking out against Wal-Mart it seems clear that the vote should never even been close. Unless the only people posting in here are haters who have nothing better to do and just want to complain. Come now people it passed 6-1 accept it and move on to bigger issues.

  16. 78% of the voting residents need to pull together their big money and pay for this:
    "....voters now have to cough up $113,000 to pay for Wal-Mart’s election. One city councilor asked Wal-Mart to pay for the cost of the special election, since the election was something the corporation had initiated on its own. "That is not something we will cover," a Wal-Mart spokesman responded."

  17. council should have just approved this plan (which they ALMOST did) with some simple stipulations or requested alterations.

    Instead they chose to let it go to ballot - because they couldn't agree.

    This isn't Wal-Mart's issue. This is square on the backs of council - they directly caused this expense.

    While I don't know the precise cost of the election, I believe it was somewhere in the ballpark of 50K due to the general election being held anyway. Never the less, its 50K of our tax dollars that council "COULD" have spent more productively than forcing the people to vote on something as simple as this.

    I shudder to think what's going to happen when the really tough issues come up - we can't just hold an election for everything deemed political poison.

  18. 7834 people within Menifee need to have their heads examined. So much for a peaceful community. Oh yeah, it's the 7834 people that live in the hills above where they are building the Walmart that actually want it. The only good thing about this Walmart is now all the scum that shop at Target will have a place to call home. Should clean up the Target area quite a bit!!!

  19. Don’t blame WalMart for the cost of this election.

    The city council had two options when it received the petition: approve it or let the voters decide. They chose the election with its associated costs.

    The overwhelming “yes” vote demonstrates one thing; we can’t rely on the social media when trying to measure the will of the people. Reading this and other sites’ comments would lead one to believe that the store didn’t stand a chance of approval.

  20. From Tony R.
    Awesome!!! I cant wait to buy my first cans of paint and start the graffiti and ghettocitation of Menifee.

    That's the only defect about democracy, lead a pack of sheep down the edge of a cliff and they will follow and fall.

    Good job, voters... :/

  21. Why on earth would we ever want to be compared to Hemet, Lake Elsinore or Perris? All are which complete sh*t holes and Menifee is following closely behind.

  22. blah blah blah that's all I hear from you. take a look at San Marcos Wall-Mart and tell me it will not bring revenue with the 20+ stores around it. did it put other businesses out NO. oh and there is a brand new costco being built right behind it.we already have crime and graffiti look at the pumps at the shell station.this is not some backwards town we are a growing community things never stay the same that would suck.if you don't like Wal-Mart you have the right to not shop at it. and maybe with this revenue the city can repave the one main road in Menifee. now why don't you go and complain about that

  23. Good Job City of Menifee...! You are putting Ma and pop stores in Menifee out of business.. Watch the crime rate go up.. Smart move.. NOT!

  24. I would like to say one thing to the people who voted yes. I've been reading a lot of posts on how the people apposing the Walmart are dumb hicks, and should just shut up and drink the cool aid. many of us have been out here for allot longer than all you have.and live out here to get away from most of you city folks.I have lived here for over 25 years and I seeing our wild life disappear.our much needed farm land going could see all the stars at night with out the street lights Blocking them out now. why did you move here in the first place? are you scared of the dark? don't like the dust? What is it?you all move out here for cheaper housing. and now you what to recreate your old life style in the big city.boy You have allot to is more than the equity of your home.

  25. I've always felt that voting is a privilege that should only be extended to those who demonstrate a commitment to understanding the issues and impact of their vote. Now I'm wondering if "Internet Access" should come with the same requirement :-\

    I'm truly shocked and embarrassed by some of the useless and unfounded rhetoric on this thread and the only think I can hope for is that all these people who seem to think that Wal-Mart is going to unilaterally destroy this city -- will move!

    I drive that bridge every day - and guess what ... it already sucks. So why not attract the necessary business to participate in solving the problem because the city can't do it alone.

    I just don't understand the mindset of an anti-establishment personality - this "aint" Radiator Springs anymore, so just accept it.

    The PEOPLE of Menifee have spoken - so just sit down and stop whining about what isn't going to change.

  26. I'm beginning to think the "Yes" votes came from the older citizens of the city that don't participate on blogs...

  27. I'm an older citizen of the City, 25 years here with my family & living on almost 6 acres. I love seeing the growth, I stay well informed by checking out all the minutes and agendas from city council, the planning commission and others and I blog too.

    I think the growth will be good as long as we make our desires known to the city council. We want to keep and create some farmland, horse trails,walking trails, a rustic look in the city. Guess what, so does the majority of the city officials.

    My suggestion is for everyone to stay informed through official channels more so than through blogs only. Menifee has a great history and I'm doing my part to help it have a great future as it grows.

    Blogging is great, but it is only an expression of thought. We all need to really get to know our city council & planning commissioners and do our part to help in the process.

    I'll see most of you at Walmart some day, then at Costco, then let's catch a movie (won't that be nice to have a theater here some day). Have a nice day.

  28. For those who are concerned, Menifee will continue to have rural areas, but those who expect the I-215 and Scott Road corridors to be rural will likely be disappointed.

    The businesses that find homes along those routes will provide the necessary tax revenue to build and maintain roads, parks and trails.

  29. Finally - to the two people who posted @ June 08, 2011 11:42 AM and June 08, 2011 11:46 AM - Thank you!

    You have restored my faith in the idea that some residents can voice a reasonable opinion without making all sorts of rediculous claims and/or being downright insulting.

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. ..."With so many people of Menifee hating on this idea you'd think they'd throw it out and say "No, Menifee does NOT want a Wal Mart."

    - Are you serious, did you not see the vote results? Makes one wonder who the ignorant really are.

  31. Amazing...only around 10,000 people voted....Out of around 67,000 so 7,834 people that decided to be concerned decided on what the whole of Menifee gets....You get what you ask for....At least 2,363 tried.....

  32. I voted for it just for this reason, all the peabrained conservitives will chickin little and scream the sky is faling. LOL of course nothing of that magnatude is hapining.

  33. The voters come from all over Menifee, including Quail Valley area, Sun City Core and Romoland.
    But it is the people who live near Scott Road who will suffer the horrible traffic conditions that will only get worse now.
    That is why these types of decisions should be made by our Commission/Council. They are accountable for bad decisions. It is impossible to hold voters accountable.

  34. To June 08 2011 9:29 PM

    Of course the sky hasn't fallen yet, Wal mart hasn't started building yet, the shopping center across Scott hasn't opened yet and the development planned for West of Haun hasn't started yet...Give it time...If the roads and interchange aren't improved the area will be a nightmare for the commuters and the residence of the area....easy for the people who live away from that location to be happy..Hope the improvements are made so everyone is happy.

  35. Can you say TRAFFIC...thx everyone!!!!

  36. I perfectly understand why people are against Walmart being built in Menifee. But let's just face reality, high paying jobs aren't going to come to Menifee until Menifee becomes a town that welcomes all corporations. With Walmart coming to Menifee, that will attract other businesses, especially the needed restaurants our area so desperately needs.

  37. Can't believe restaurants are the high points of your concern.

  38. Traffic is going to be a NIGHTMARE!!!
    Sorry, I am not a rich person, but California is run by the short-sighted, ignorant masses! People can't see past their own noses, or their wants!
    I know this was not a proposition, but it was a popular vote left to people who have almost NO business understanding, or city planning skills! The people with those skills obviously couldn't make up their minds, so it was passed on to the less capable masses!
    The proposition system is destroying California as much as social liberals are! I think I will write a proposition to end the proposition movement! (high speed rails? Walmarts?...get REAL!)

  39. Remember Measures and Propositions are two different things. In any case I suppose the Council put it to vote after Walmart forced the issue, they were in a no win position. Too bad so few showed up to vote, maybe there would have been a different turn out if more than 10,000 people showed up for the rest of the City. Now we have to deal with it...hope next time we learned a lesson and more people are represented in the City...Its our fault no one elses.

  40. Poster of June 22, 2011 11:43 PM said “Traffic is going to be a NIGHTMARE!!!” That may be true for a while. I use the I-215/Scott Road interchange all the time and I voted for the shopping center. I believe the longer-term benefit to the community of having a tax-generating behemoth in our borders outweighs the short-term traffic problems.

    Not everyone who shops there will be using the I-215/Scott intersection. Lots of people will be traveling to/from the store from the north on Haun or from the west on Scott.

    It’s entirely possible that the approval will make the job of finding the needed funds for building the Scott Road bridge a bit easier.

    Poster of June 23, 2011 7:54 AM thinks the outcome would have been different if more had voted. I don’t. The vote shows overwhelming support in the city for the store. Those who oppose it are simply more vocal. There’s no reason to expect a different result if more had voted. The election was about as close as you can to a landslide.

    I originally wanted the council to approve the store based on the results of the petition. I’ve changed my mind. If the council had approved it instead of scheduling an election, we would never have known how strong the support is. Speakers at future council meetings would have called for the ouster of councilmembers who approved it. The election process should (but won’t…) put an end to the arguments of those in opposition. It certainly removes the council from the hot seat.

  41. Post : June 23 2011 12:58

    Walmart plans were approved, they withdrew from that process and put it to a measure proir to the Council vote.The voter post is just informing people that keep complaining about the outcome. Can't complain...

  42. Well...since it is coming, I hope it has an exterior elevation like the market place to keep the farm look alive. I don't want our buildings to look like Murrieta.

  43. A few members of the city council wasted all that money because they didnt have the courage to vote on it themselves. Even the Mayor said it would pass in a city vote and he still wanted to spend the money on the election. If they cant make important decisions, whats the point of electing them at all? I cant wait for the next council election, I will activly work to have those people removed, including the Mayor. -Art B., Halcyon Ct. Don't hide when the truth is on your side.

  44. resident of 22 years. Why do we need a wal mart. There is one in perris, hemet, lake elsinore, and murrieta. This just brings un-needed traffic to the already congested roads. TO you people who want it, why didn't you just move to one of the other cities that has one? Menifee was founded on a rural lifestyle that is almost gone. And as far as brining jobs and building infrastructure, how many people live in the city that they work in? Things have been going downhill ever since the building started here about 12 years ago. Build build build, thats all the city wants, so they can get the revenue from permits to justify there salaries. City councils are no more then a glorified home owners association. Everything was just fine when we were riverside county unincorporated.


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