Bees are swarming --- keep a look out!

Today I was surprised to find over 20 bees hovering in a corner storage space in my garage, and my mom said, "Oh oh... you've got a...

Today I was surprised to find over 20 bees hovering in a corner storage space in my garage, and my mom said, "Oh oh... you've got a bee swarm in your garage!"

I quickly shut all doors on my garage and started googling "how to get rid of bees".

Thinking I had a new hive with its queen, I first tried to find a beekeeper who would remove the hive for free. Apparently there is a shortage of bees in California and there are beekeepers who would do this. The only man I found was from Fallbrook, who told me I would have to be on a 4 month long waiting list.

Back to the computer to google "how to get rid of bees". This was the most interesting article I found: So, arming myself with a
bucket of soapy water, I snuck back into my garage, only to find most of the bees bumping into my garage door windows trying to get out, and no more buzzing around my corner storage space. I quickly lifted the garage door and most of them flew out. I then closed the door and went back inside my garage and squirted the few that remained with soapy water. Voila.... no more bees.

The feeling of victory quickly faded when my mother ran from her house next door declaring, "The bees are swarming in my shed". Over at her shed we saw easily 30 bees swarming around inside. One of the inside windows with a screen was open so we shut all the bees inside, and as they came to the screen I squirted them with the soapy water. Then my father, cloaked head to tow, went inside and used a leaf blower to blow the rest of the bees out, and then sucked the other bees out from the window area with a vacuum. We've closed the doors again, and if any more come to the window, we'll squirt them.

Thank goodness we weren't dealing with a real swarm... only scout bees looking for a new home for their new queen bee.

Basically a swarm happens when an active beehive is too big and the hive needs to be divided. A new queen bee is made, and then scout bees go out looking for the new home for the new hive. Once a suitable location is found the bees swarm to the new location.

Soooo.... after 2 failed attempts at our houses, be aware that there are scout bees out looking for a new home for their new queen in the area of Holland and Menifee Rd. My garage and my parents shed went from zero to 30 bees in just a few hours. Had we not stopped them, one of us could have been looking at the invasion of a swarm of bees at our home within a few days or possibly... a few hours. A real interesting article can be found here:

Seeing this all happen so quickly was what amazed me. I would encourage everyone in the area to keep your garages and sheds closed, and look for other potential areas in and around your home that could potentially be a home for a new hive (like a hole a wall or a tree) and close it up.

Unless you want to start a honey business.


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  1. We had that happen at our house. We found a bee person willing to come out the next day, but had to call them back to let them know that the bees had gone. We just opened the area where they had established their hive and they left within three days. It was a great learning experience for the grandkids.

  2. They swarmed in a tree in our front yard (several hundred). They up and left about 4 hours later.

  3. The bees are everywhere over here near Freedom Crest school! Lot's of people getting stung and swarms occasionally flowing down our streets. I know of 3 or 4 neighbors that had to get professional help. I wonder what's going on?

  4. I was sitting in my driveway and heard a loud hum coming from somewhere. I looked up to see a literal black cloud swiftly fly right over me! THOUSANDS of bees!!! They kept going thank God, but scared the poop outta me!

    My daughter goes to Freedom Crest, I hope they're gone by Aug!

  5. What about the killer bees that killed two horses near wickerd rd? Anybody know?

  6. I can not get my mail as there is a very big ball of bees there and they have been there for two days. My neighbor watered them down but that did not work.


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