Menifee City Council Meeting Tonight

The Menifee City Council is holding a public meeting tonight. It will be a three part meeting, where two of the parts are open to the public...

The Menifee City Council is holding a public meeting tonight.

It will be a three part meeting, where two of the parts are open to the public.

1. (Public) - 5:00pm to 6:30pm - Study Session, conducted by our Interim City Attorney, to explain the Brown Act.

2. (Closed) - 6:30pm to 7:00pm - City Council to discuss details on acquiring real property.

3. (Public) - 7:00pm to ? - City Council holds its regular city council meeting.

The public meetings will be held at Mt San Jacinto College, at the Learning Resource Center Building, Community Room #105.

A copy of the agenda can be downloaded here...


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  1. Thank you 24/7 for your attentiveness to community matters! Would be nice to note how many attend the first public session vs. attendance at the second public session. Question: do we really miss anything by missing the first session and just attending the last one? Do they synopsize what has transpired in the first one for those who can't make both? Some of us don't get home from work in time for the first.

  2. I'd like to see our new council join forces with Canyon Lake And urge the PUC and SCE to adjust our baseline rates (Friday Flyer 7-18-2008). This has been talked about for a number of years.

  3. Why Closed session, "... to discuss details on acquiring real property"? Would think public has right to know what real property is being discussed, what the issues are, and who is for and against the acquisitions. Can understand discussing some personnel issues in Closed session because of sensitivity and confidentiality. What's so secretive about discussing details on acquiring real property?

  4. Good points. They need to define what the 'real property' is. If its computers, office equipment, etc; not too concerned about their discussing privately. If its real estate property, I agree, it should be in open session with public knowledge of who is promoting what, who is voting for what. Maybe this will be voiced at the first session to clarify just what 'property' they're discussing privately.

  5. Why are they having meetings at the college. Don't you have to pay for parking? I don't want to fight school traffic. Be there early to find a parking place. Let's have the meetings elsewhere so all can go. Or are they trying to discourage us from atending?

  6. To the last poster:

    The parking isn't an issue. There's plenty of parking this time of year with only a few classes for summer session. And I don't think you have to worry about being charged for parking either. I didn't see any school officials too concerned about it.


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