Rental Homes in Menifee Lakes

Here's an e-mail I received this morning... We were thinking of buying in Menifee Lakes. We just looked at a property yesterday, but the...

Here's an e-mail I received this morning...
We were thinking of buying in Menifee Lakes. We just looked at a property yesterday, but the neighbors said we could not buy, and make it a rental. Is that true?
Since I don't know much about the Menifee Lakes HOA, I wanted to pose this question to the readers. Is there anything preventing a home owner there from renting out their property?


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  1. I live in Menifee Lakes. You can purchase a home and make it a rental.

  2. HOA's like to threaten people, but legally there is no reason why you can't rent the house out. HOA can enforce all bylaws toward condition of the house, property maintenance, etc...

  3. I'm not sue about the Master Association, but 2 years ago the sub-association of Andalusia (within Menifee Lakes) ammended their CC&Rs to prohibit rentals if there was already whatever the limit was (I think it was around 20%, with the existing rentals grandfathered).

    As for enforcement, I don't know how they could enforce it.. and I think most rentals would look better than some of the abandoned properties that seem to be popping up.

  4. "I'm not sue" should be "I'm not sure"...

  5. The comment about the Home Owner Assoc rules (CC & R's) is correct. Only a small % of homes are allowed to be rented so I wouldn't buy a home with that expectation until checking with Avalon (Menifee Lakes HOA) on where that currently stands.

  6. Another way to be sure you are able rent your house out, is to donate to Jerry Stamper's campaign.

  7. Yes, it does state in the CCR's that only a certain percentage of homes can be rentals, but let face it, would you rather they sit vacant as bank repos or have them purchased by investors??? It is NEVER good to have a home sit vacant.

  8. The neighbors told you that because they do not want a rental house next to them. As a realtor I hear these kinds of things all the time. Yes, the CCR's state only a limited amount of rentals can be within Menifee Lakes, but there is no way to keep track, especially with the market the way it is. You can buy and rent the house out, I have sold and rented out many.

  9. Stamper runs with a pack that exists off rentals between Sun City and Menifee Lakes. Check with him. If its in the CC&Rs he'll surely know how to work around it. If he doesn't, he'll ask one of his cronies. He may not have too many smarts on things, but he's savvy.

  10. I am a Community Manager for a large HOA in another City, and yes it is legal to amend the CC&R's to prohibit any further rental of homes. The HOA would have had to put it out for a majority vote of the Association and as long as the majority of ballots returned were in favor of the amendment it is legal. I agree with the previous comment, it is best to contact the management company and find out about their Rules & Regulations before you purchase the home.

  11. Andalusia is the only sub-association of the Menifee Lakes Master Association that has a rental cap.This cap is 25%. In addition, the CC&Rs require that anyone who buys a house in Andalusia must wait one year before requesting permission to rent. These restrictions are being enforced. Ignorance of the restrictions, often due to poor communication by eager sellers, does not absolve the buyer from complying with the limits.

    Andalusia Community Association

  12. There are MANY rentals within Menifee Lakes and there is not State Mandated Law that would bite this one!

  13. Yes, I agree with the previous poster, there are many rentals in Menifee Lakes; THAT became the problem a few years ago when the area started growing by leaps and bounds (as home prices were climbing at an unheard of rate) when investors were buying up blocks of homes for rentals. Menifee Lakes has only two SUB-Associations of homes under the Menifee Lakes Master Association. These are Palmilla Homeowners Association for Palmilla Track (Palmilla Track is limited and controlled as Senior Age Status only); and the Andalusia Homeowners Association for the Andalusia Track. Andalusia does indeed have a Rental clause in their CC&Rs (Approved by 67% of their homeowners) which limits rentals to 25%. This clause further states that any purchaser of a home in Andalusia has to wait one full year before it can be rented, and then rented only if the total rentals is below the 25% factor. When there are only 216 homes in a track and 54+ of them are rentals, it starts to become known as, AND LOOKS LIKE, a rental community. Realtors in these growing busy times need to examine stipulations closely for ANY homes they're selling in a community whom they know has CC&Rs.

  14. HOAs are EVIL, there are many other places in Menifee that don't have HOAs and they are still nice places.

    What are all the HOAs doing about the bank owned properties that are bringing down the value of their neighborhood and making them look worse than "rental communities". I can imagine the enforcers of the CC&Rs are very frustrated that the banks won't pay the fines for not keeping up their houses.


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