Heritage High School

The Perris Unified School District has figured out which kids will have to attend the new Heritage High School, located on Hwy 74, in Romola...

The Perris Unified School District has figured out which kids will have to attend the new Heritage High School, located on Hwy 74, in Romoland.

If you live in Menifee, on the eastern side of I-215, north of Craig Road, you'll have to send your kids there. This is starting next season.

The Press Enterprise has an article on this, and a map showing the boundaries (outline in red)...


Unfortunately, the Press Enterprise requires people to establish an account with them to read the article online. The good news is that it's free.


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  1. This is quite a concern. I am really worried about the new high school. So far I haven't heard anything positive. Can anyone suggest a private school in the area. I am new to the community and there isn't much that Menifee offers in private schools.

  2. I am concerned also. I am putting my house up for sale today. Perris and Romoland are arm pits and this will only drive our home prices lower!

  3. Good luck on selling your home. Because nothing is selling here.

  4. It's Craig Ave. (well, at least the part East of Hwy 215.)

  5. Does anybody know if the students who live on the north side of Craig Ave (the actual street itself) will have to attend Paloma or Heritage high schools? Hard to tell since it is the actual boundry. Thanks!

  6. "Perris and Romoland are arm pits and this will only drive our home prices lower!"

    Ummm - yeah, and Menifee is the gem of California?

  7. If Paloma High becomes part of the Menifee unified instead of Perris unified, how does that affect Heritage High? I know there are talks about hopefully Paloma Valley becoming part of Menifee unified. Would Menifee residents be able to go to Paloma Valley. Does anyone know?

  8. Having been in the Menifee Lakes area for the past 17 years I can understand some of the comments made regarding Paloma. Believe me, it has had a bad reputation for a very long time - and it has mostly been earned. Will a brand new school be any better? Just because it's new doesn't make it better. It's the element that make it what it is. In this case, the students. Funny that the white supremacists were brought up. This area has suffered from that group since the Metzger days in Fallbrook back in the 80's and even before. This area isn't the only one feeling their wrath. The dangerous movement has grown exponentially over the past decade. Now, Perris has it's reputation for good reason - just read the newsclips. However, Romoland has been badly stereotyped without good reason. It's rural, but growing. Has anybody seen the beautiful Heritage Lake community? If that isn't a great start in the right direction, I don't know what unreasonably high standards you're living by. With this in mind, Heritage will hold a big bulk of the students from the Heritage Lake area as well as the developments off Menifee Road and Palomar. These are not "trailer trash", crop-pickers, or white supremacists. I hate to see a school dis'd before it even opens.

  9. You are right. Thank you! I have done a little more research and I heard that the new high school is a state of the art school. There are many families who have moved from many different areas and who care about their children and who have great values. I have met many families that want just the same thing as everyone else. I have met many people who have moved here so that they can have a better life and that includes staying home with their kids and being involved. Our community is growing and I think for the better. It is nice to hear something positive.

  10. i live in the "armpit" called romoland and really love it out here. my daughter will be attending hhs in the fall, and by the way, she is a straight a student, not a white supremist and doesn't have any gang friends. my oldest daughter is a jr at paloma and loves it. the only thing she doesn't like is the people who think they are better cause they live in menifee.there are bad elements everywhere.

  11. Sounds to me like everyone is giving up on the school before it even opens. I am one of the new residents of Heritage Lake and I do care about my kids education. I too was a little worried about moving out to a "rural" area. After meeting many of the people that are moving out here, it looks like we have a chance to change the way things used to be. I see so many moms and dads out with their kids at the park, walking their dogs or riding bikes. I see that as a positive thing. Parents who care and want what's best for their kids. My son just enrolled at Heritage High, and from the materials that were handed out the school sounds pretty darn good. It's good to be a concerned parent, otherwise things will never change.

  12. Where is Heritage High's School Site?

  13. When is city of menifee if there is anything like that going to have it,s own High school for the residents. I just bought a beautiful home in Menifee and wondering if i should move in or lease it out . Greats schools for my Kids as we have in san diego is a major concern for me.Even Vista Murrieta high school to me seems a better school for now.

  14. Heritage High school is a positive environment for students to learn. To build a school environment a school needs involved parents who are supportive to the school's growth and development. It needs positive attitudes rather then assumptions of negativity. It takes supportive family members and a supportive community to build a great school. Sometimes parents rely too much on school staff to teach students the values and respect for one another that student's should be learning at home.

  15. my son is in 10th grade at paloma--and takes AP classes. none are offered at heritage. i was told one a year (possibly) will be added but what they WILL offer are "lower level" (i'm quoting what i was told) classes that paloma does not and will not offer. paloma is a college prep school. so far we have had no problems regarding gangs, race or anything else while at paloma. the teachers all have responded to me immediately (same day i've called or e-mailed) both years we have been in the school. hopefully taking paloma away from the perris school district will be a positive step for everyone but for now heritage doesn't sound like anywhere i want my kids to go to--maybe things will change in a few years.

  16. i went to this school as a freshman this school is a absolute nightmare.
    the principals cause nothing but problems and im thankful my parents pulled me out of that school.

  17. Anonymous 3/28, are you referring to Heritage High School as being an "absolute nightmare"? Can you please be more specific? I have a son who is entering 8th grade at Bell Mountain Middle School. He is supposed to attend Heritage beginning Fall 2009, and I'm trying to determine if it's the best place for him.

  18. My son goes to Heritage High. He is taking four AP classes has a 4.3gpa and has been helping other kids get their grades up so they can play sports. Kids get out of school what they put into it. They don't bring anything to school that they didn't learn at home.
    Some elements are romantisiesed, gangs and that sort of thing. We need to recognize negative influences and deal with them at home. When a kids identity and self esteem revolves around gangs, white supremacy, drugs or just loafing around it is our job to influence them and help them deal with negative elements that are found in every school and every walk of life.
    When my son was 11 years old they played a championship soccer game against a team from Beverly Hills. The foulest mouthed, poor sports, back talking their parents, swearing at the officials team I had ever seen. I am glad my son does not go to a private school in Beverly Hills.
    Our team won the game.

  19. I was a Menifee student all my life and my mother refused to send my sister to Paloma 10 years ago. As soon as it came to my high school education. I was transferred no matter what school you go to there are drugs & gangs. But some good private schools around here are Linfeild & Calvary Murrieta and there's a really nice charter school called Santa Rosa Academy right off Baxter. Those are alternatives in case anyone wanted some.

  20. I'm currently a sophomore at Heritage right now. All this negative talk about our school makes it sound really bad, and all this worrying about gangs and drugs isn't necessary as long as you're smart enough to stay away from it. No matter where you go there will be gangs and cliques and there will be drugs. Even if you're paying thousands of dollars for a private school, drugs are everywhere, I'd know. As long as your student knows better and actually puts effort into his/her work, he/she will be fine.
    Oh! and we have amazing counselors and really good administrators. You'd think they were amazing as long as you stayed out of trouble :)

  21. I am a junior right now at patriot high school in the city of riverside. I just moved out to romoland off palomar and was considering switching schools to Heritage for my senior year. Do they even offer a senior year?? And can anyone tell me if they for sure have AP courses?? I am a straight A student and need these AP classes. All this bad talk and good talk of the school, and saying it does have AP and doesn't is confusing me. Can someone set the record straight?? Thank You!

  22. Im a student at Heritage High School and all I have to say is that it is an amazing school with so much to offer every student who attends it.

    Also incase your wondering starting the 2009-2010 school year there will be seniors at Heritage High School. Wether there are going to be AP classes or not I couldnt really tell you even though I'm assuming there will be. Your best bet is to contact the school for information if your still wondering.

  23. hey im a junior at heritage high school. yes there is AP classes and lots of good programs, like AVID.there is also a career program called ROP, which consists of many carrer preparation courses like photography,video productions, and many more. we have great teachers. best campus u can be on! better than any other school in the perris district.its also not ovecrowded like perris and paloma. so choose heritage as ur school to graduate:)

  24. I am going to go to Heritage high next year but lately I have been moving alot and havent been having alot of luck with the schools I have been enrolled in. Is it a good idea to go to Heritage and Dont let your children go to Mountain Shadow Middle school! Horrid teachers.

  25. I have students at Heritage High, my concerns prompted me to get more involved and ask the hard questions to the administration and teachers. So far it has been a favorable outcome on our end; not without a struggle at times, but what in life is not a struggle. I affirm Heritage High has the ability to set some high standards for this area over many schools, let us as parents and community minded people hold them accountible.

  26. Does anyone else have more current comments. Currently my son is going to a charter school in Riverside. Next year he may have to go to Heritage High and I am worried more about the teachers and if they will be as good as the teachers at the charter school - the teachers at his charter school are so good and really work well with him.

  27. Well my name is jessica and i am a senior at heritage high school.Its sad to hear that there is so many negative comments on my school. Honestly I can say that I love this school, it has so much to offer and the people here at heritage are nice and full of spirit.We dont have a gang problem like other schools do and i can honestly say that if you want to bring your son to heritage i do encourage you to do so. many people block themselves on what other people say not having experienced the patriot home.and as a senior i can recommend and encourage you to enroll your son next yr. hope this helps:)

  28. the website for the school http://www.puhsd.org/hhs/site/default.asp

  29. I have a son at each high school; Paloma and Heritage. I have seen equal problems at both schools, and there are gang elements at both schools. A lot of the success of the student is dependent on the student themself!

  30. im going to be going to heritage this year..... reading these comments r scaring me!!!! i hear heritage is a much better school than paloma!!!! grrrr...... the negative thoughts are driving me crazy!!!! have you seen heritage!!!! it looks like a college!!!!! im lucky to be going to school there.....when they came for registration packets they put your information in the lap top they brought and paloma just took your packet......also the counselors from heritage talked to you even if you didnt have your packet, paloma did not...... that should tell you whats the better school :)

  31. Move to Temecula or Murrieta

  32. As May @@ 10:23 said if you are holier then though, and a Gladys kravits type please move to your restricted areas of Murrieta or Temecula.

  33. There shouldn't be any negativity concerning Heritage High School ! My daughter went to Perris High and Graduated, but now my son is attending Heritage,and soon my youngest daughter will to. Its a far more better School then Perris Sorry !

  34. I am a parent from Heritage High and it is a good school comparing to our surroundings. Band, FFA, art, video, and drama are just about the best!! Yes there are some drugs and clicks I wont say gangs, but the kids are well supervised at lunch in the courtyard. Most of the kids are in clubs or any of what I previously mentioned, for the most part my son keeps a 3.75 gpa it's a good school don't be unease.... The one problem we have there is the Principle, she sure loves control. She is mean to the teachers and she sometimes degrades them infront of the kids or parents. I believe she needs to be removed from there and be replaced with a principle that supports the kids and teachers, someone who is a powering influence for our children not only who she likes.


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