Shorter Shopping Commute Coming in 2008

Nelson Wheeler of Strategic Retail Advisors has been kind enough to provide us with some information on the new proposed "Countryside M...

Nelson Wheeler of Strategic Retail Advisors has been kind enough to provide us with some information on the new proposed "Countryside Marketplace" to be located on the SWC of I-215 and Newport Road.

According to Mr. Wheeler construction for the project is to begin early 2007, and the shopping center will open early 2008. Merchants such as Lowes, Target, and Kohls have all approved the site. I'm not sure why Target was on his list, being that they already have a store across the freeway. Perhaps they are planning on moving.

For those of you who are interested in leasing space, the lease rates I was told will be $3.00 to $3.50 psf per month.

See brochure below for further details.



Countryside-Marketplace 113331469959361963

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  1. I noticed on the site plan, there is going to be an electronics store and Sports Club. Any idea which ones?

  2. I did hear from a reputable developer that the Target across the 215 will be closing to make way for a Target Greatland at the new location.

  3. What are the chances of a mall going in near Menifee, closer than Temecula or Hemet? Especially big dept. stores such as Sears, Penny's or Robinson's for example.

  4. Cityhood would be great, keep money in our area instead of all over the county. Hopefully, along with plans for growth, developers and council members will think about making Menifee / Sun City cleaner and more appealing. We just moved here and are dissappointed at how dirty and unkept it is. Any remarks in agreement?

  5. any idea whats going west of circle K ?

  6. I am happy about the market place coming in ,, I own a hair salon next to the yellow basket and that would be great! We need some good restaurants here in menifee,, I hope some good ones come in also.

  7. Any chance a McDonald's, Starbucks, or Togo's coming to our community?

  8. Any Movie Theaters to be built locally?

  9. Before we hope for further development, malls, shops, etc, we should be putting pressure on the county of Riverside to build the roads/traffic control necessary to get us there. i.e., Scott Rd/ Antelope; Menifee/Newport; Lindenburger/Simpson, the continuation of Menifee Rd in both directions.

  10. What's happening with the Steakhouse that is supposed to go in at the corner of Bradley and Newport? Is there anything else going in in the same area?
    My family especially my husband is looking forward to the new shopping center. To comment on how dirty Menifee is getting, I concur. Something needs to be done to make Menifee beautiful as it should be.

  11. I have seen the plans for the new shopping center and I think that something more atractive should go there. Menifee is known for small lakes why not put a small lake with restaurants such as Olive Garden, El Torito etc and have them build around the lake with terrace over looking the water. With smaller shops and Moovie theatre around and on the outer side of shopping center build the Dep. stores and fitnes center along with home improvement. This would keep revenues in Menifee

  12. We're happy that we're going to have Lowe's in the area. We hope we also get a Movie Theatre, a Steak house, and Arts & Craft/Fabric store.

  13. I am agreeing with Patricia we need to clean Menifee up, I like the idea of a small lake with resturants (not fast food)& some big named stores (not expensive stores no one would buy from) around the resturants, we definately need a theater! and more recreation, I would love to see a Joann's

  14. I heard that there's a plan at Haun Rd/Newport Rd to open a Promenade Mall instead of countrywide market. It's a strategic location from neighboring city. Why not at Menifee.


  15. I have not heard anymore on when the shopping center off the 215 is planning on breaking ground. Is it still in the works? And if it is are the stores mentioned previously still going to be there? There was also mentioned a Abe's Steakhouse that was going to be built in Menifee is that also going to be happening soon or is that also being put off for now? Is there anymore new businesses in the works for Menifee?

  16. I agree with Patricia. I have lived in Menifee for two years now and am feeling somewhat cheeted. I moved here from Temecula where everything was ALWAYS maintained. People took pride in their city at the bottom of La Ladera, we have migrant workers, who are great people but don't necessarily appeal to a higher caliber of residents. After paying nearly $600,000 dollars for my house, I am somewhat concerned that it has been a waste of my money. It seems there is no rush to create a city in Menifee. The people here deserve the amenities Murrieta and Temecula have--- they have been promised these things by the builders. And really, the mall being built at the 215 should have a lake. If we allow concrete from the get go--we will look like Hemet. Our streets should also be lined with trees and a median of flowerbeds. Is there any plans to continue the design of east Newport over the freeway to Canyon Lake.

  17. Still waiting for a response about new businesses going up in menifee does anyone read these comments? Another issue in Menifee is the open lots that are used as dumping grounds for peoples unwanted items and trash in general that never gets cleaned up. Who's responsiblilty is it to clean these open lots up. The lot on the corner of Lazy Creek and Murrietta Rd. is constantly full of trash and abandoned junk that gets dumped there. I love Menifee but it would be a lot nicer if it were cleaner. I try to do my part in my neighborhood but I agree with the 'dissapointed resident' it would be nice to see some trees and flowers in Menifee instead of just concrete.

  18. I would like to have IKEA store in Riverside County in Temecula, CA and Murrieta, CA and Menifee, CA because it is too long way to drive up to Burbank, CA, Carson, CA, Covina, CA, Costa Mesa, CA and San Diego, CA about 75 miles from my home to IKEA store too far. It is not fair for people live closer by this area. You know that in California is largest state. You did not research not enough in Southern California to establish new IKEA store is necessary in new locations in Riverside County (Temecula, CA/Murrieta, CA/Menifee, CA/Moreno Valley, CA). In Riverside County grow fast in community and new built houses/apts. We live in Menifee, CA. Thank you for your attention this concern.

  19. Just get it started we are in desperate neeed of some things in Menifee.

  20. We need businesses that generate revenue for Menifee. Such as Lowes, a movie theater, even a car dealership. You know how much revenue a car dealership generates? Let’s start making the streets wider now, to accommodate the traffic... such as Antelope. With the new town homes being built there I can see a cluster muck of cars. I am much better suited to see a Target Great Land than a Wal-Mart. No more fast food. No more Jack In The Box, No more Del Taco, well, In N Out would be okay... Olive Garden, Islands, even a Barnes & Noble would be nice. A full service car wash like Lenny's in Corona would be great. We need trees to line our streets, grass for our islands, and flowers for our beds. Tell me you don't pay enough in taxes to cover this stuff! I am pro-Menifee but, we need some results. Let’s see some construction. Let’s have our county officials talk with other city officials such as Temecula, and see what avenues we could be taking. Menifee is more than just a place to live, it’s our home. It’s where we have chosen to live. Let’s choose to make it more livable.

  21. Wishing, Waiting, Wanting. I hope that something gets built soon! I've lived in Menifee for three years and have yet to see any solid results. One of the other contributors to this comments board had a great statement. "The tax rate is high and the money should be falling into the community pool." The County Board of Supervisors should take into account the growth rate and community needs. Let's see some regulations go into effect i.e.
    Trash dumping, Loitering, Traffic control. I moved to Menifee for the family atmosphere and I hope it continues to improve.

  22. All Menifee Residents, You might not aware of Murrieta involve lawsuits against Menifee to have Super Target and Walmart in Countryside Marketplace on Newport Rd. It is not fair for people live closer by this area which is in Murrieta has many stores and in Temecula, too. Menifee is number 1 priority need to have more stores because Menifee grow fast in new community and new houses/apts. If not work this situation, therefore would Murrieta and Temecula pay Menifee Residents gas to drive up there. It makes sense. I suggest you read article of newspaper about suit on Friday, March 30, 2007 and Saturday, April 7, 2007.

  23. Hear is my point on the perspective, the shopping center seems like a great idea.. Hence we worry about crime in the area.. Well look at it this way.. You can never really get rid of crime but, majority of crime is caused by teens between the ages of 12-17.. To cut crime we need an out.. We donot have anything for these kids to go and enjoy themselves in Menifee.. We lack skateparks,suitable basketball parks, a movie theatre, Mulligans have to rely on parents to drive them here and their.. But what do we have to offer in Menifee? If you take a deep look... Not much A shopping mall or outlets would help.. hence more buisness more calls for service for the Sheriffs Department.. The other spectrum is how are we going to be able to incoprate with out big buisness and sales tax to support a city.. Yes we want our own P.D but if you look at the city is going to struggle to generate revinue.. Look at Perris Bid buisness.. yes .. but buisness sales tax very little.. the lack the shoppers..

    Menifee will progress it has since ive been living hear for 3 years..But economically were behind the curb as far as making this a city we lack all the neccesity that Temecula,Murietta, Elsinore have.. Family places for fun, a place Kids can go and enjoy themselves.. We need to at least break ground to establish all this A Lowes for what.. We dont need it really there is going to be a Home Depot off Ethanac.. We need a community Orientated City.. Family friendly .. People live here because the housing is good, the taxes are low.. But people ar frustrated because we have to drive everywhere to enjoy family functions, or take our kids to murrieta to do things...

    I see the problems here, I work the streets, I live here.. Most of the kids i talk to dont like it here and are out causing mischief because they dont have places to go and have fun....

    Looking from the outside In..

  24. I dont agree with people's statement that want to establish new homes and parks on Newport Rd and Haun Rd (South). It is necessary to establish new shopping center on Newport Rd for Countryside Marketplace comes first. That's enough lots of new homes on East in Menifee. I dont want to see many gangs around trouble on new parks. Also it is not necessary to built new homes on Newport Rd and Haun Rd (South) that where is nearby Countyside Marketplace which needs more stores there. Please read article of on Sunday, May 20, 2007.

  25. I heard there was a Best Buy coming in that area...Is this true?

  26. it is oh so true about murrieta not giving us menifee people the money to drive all the way over there. There should be more stores around here. Me as a teenager , i want to be able to go out with my friends shopping,to the movies, or just to walk around the mall. But there is nothing like that here in menifee. There should be atleast some outlets, even better a mall.

  27. jamba juice?

    coffee bean?

    thank god for that upcoming mall.!

  28. I can't believe people are complaining about hoe "dirty" menifee is. with the snooty HOA people nothing is allowed to even be an inch out of place or dirty. Plus with a bigger shopping place their will be even more trash and more places to put up "random signs/posters. I've seen many places that really dirty, menifee is spotless compared to them. its great that there will be a bigger place and more things to do but more stuff will attract more people with more trash and more places to spray paint and tag


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