Valley Health System Bond Measure

I just got off the phone with a gal who was hired to do a survey concerning a new measure to sell $400 million in bonds to raise money for V...

I just got off the phone with a gal who was hired to do a survey concerning a new measure to sell $400 million in bonds to raise money for Valley Health System.

First, this gal seemed to have extreme difficulty reading her computer monitor. She kept wanting to say "Hamlet Valley Medical Center" and "McAfee Valley Medical Center". At first she asked me if I would use any of these hospitals, and I said "no", because I had never heard of them. But several questions later, I realized that she meant "Hemet Valley Medical Center" and "Menifee Valley Medical Center". Well, I guess that part of her survey got skewed!

Anyways, it seems that Valley Health System wants to raise our property taxes, so that it has extra money to improve hospital services, namely adding more beds, building a cancer center in Menifee, and expanding emergency rooms.

But the survey also noted that Valley Health Center was in debt, and in her questioning, the gal mentioned the figure of $95 million. I'm not saying that is accurate, that's simply what her questionnaire noted.

While I certainly do want improved health care services, raising taxes is not the answer in my point of view. In fact, raising money through the sale of bonds is an age old practice with quasi-government institutions such as Valley Health System, and yet look at the state they're in.

I don't know enough of the inner-workings of Valley Health System to understand the dynamics. What I do know is that every election, there is another bond-measure to raise money to fix the problems with our local healthcare system, or our school district, or our law enforcement services. And yet, it seems like those problems never get fixed.

I don't claim to have the solutions for this, but I know that the existing systems don't seem to provide any satisfaction to taxpayers, and if you consider history, it looks like they never will. So instead of throwing more money at it, how about we completely scrap it, and build something entirely different?


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  1. 95 million seems like a lot. I would assume she did not have her facts right. Nowadays, you can build at least 2 or 3 hospitals for that price. However, I know there are plans for 2 hospitals in Temcula in the coming years. One is by Southwest Healthcare and another is still in the planning stage. These new hospitals will likely better options in my opinion. I am a Family Physician in Temecula and our group uses Fallbrook, Inland Valley and Rancho Springs.

  2. I have worked in many ERs. Undocumented citizens are not a big population that comes in. As a matter of fact, they are least likely to come to an ER for fear of deportation. Interestly, affordable healthcare coverage is lacking for almost 40 million Amercian citizens, about 40x the numbers of illegal peoples. It is those people who taxpayers are paying for 40x to 1. On the flip side, it is better that those with no coverage, legal and illegal, do go to an ER (at taxpayers expsense) since spreading a communicable diseases and airborne illnesses would be worse for everyone. A big problem is those working americans who still have no healthcare coverage. Walmart has more employees on using medicaid (medical) and medicare than any other company in the USA. It is us taxpayers who are helping Walmart so they can keep their expenses low. At least I can get a cheap shirt and pants from them :) Likewise, the CEO of United Healtcare made 130 million last year alone. If they had this much extra money, they should have lowered their rates and made insurance more affordable for you and me. Anyway, enough rambling from me.... :) Healthcare is an endless debate.... if we all ate healthier and exercised we would be better off.

  3. Does anyone ever wonder why Meniffe Valley Medical Center is in debt? I just wonder how much they pay their Administration? Could that be the problem?

  4. Don't waste your money on Valley Health System. Poorly managed and exists only as a money grab. The last place you would go for medical attention. Ranks below any mortuary.


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